
Monday, December 03, 2007

Christmas Cards

The topic for the December 4th installment of the Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories hosted by Thomas MacEntee is Christmas Cards. Did your family send them? Did your family display the ones they received? Do you still send Christmas cards?

My mother sends out a quite a few Christmas Cards every year. She always has. I think it was mostly so she'd get a lot of cards in return. She says you have to send them in order to receive them, which isn't necessarily true. For the nearly twenty years when she and I were living together she would always sign them "Ginny and Becky" but most of the time the cards we received were addressed to her. I usually sent out a few cards to my friends but now that we're no longer residing in the same house, I'll send out more cards of my own.

Growing up, the cards we received were taped around the big picture window and around the entryway between the living room and the kitchen. Mom has saved many of the cards, she's got several boxes full of them. When she was moving into her apartment last year I tried to get her to sort through them but wasn't successful. She says she wants to use them in some craft projects, but I know she never will.

My apartment doesn't really have any good place for displaying them so the cards that I received last year were simply put into a tin beside my small tree. Anyone visiting can look through them, if they wish. I'll probably do the same this year. Mom covered a small bulletin board with Christmas fabric and ribbon to display the cards she receives. It hangs on the wall just inside the entry to her apartment.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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