
Friday, January 11, 2008

Letter from Ida (January 1935)

Letter to Malissa Joslin Brubaker Bower from her sister, Ida Joslin Dressler Lewis. A copy of this letter was made by Irwin Joslin from my grandmother's files. The location of the original is not known. I received a copy in November 2007 from George and Lorene Joslin. This is the transcription done by Irwin Joslin. You'll probably notice that he "cleaned up" her spelling, which makes it easier to read, but perhaps loses some of the "flavor" of her previous letters.

For more information on Ida and her family see Ida Joslin Dressler Lewis (1863-1937)

Other posts in this series:
Joe is Ida's son, Joseph Dressler. Belva is his wife. Sam is Ida's husband, Sam Lewis. Babe is the youngest child of Roxie Joslin Parkison, Gladys Parkison Elder, who lived in Cardin, Oklahoma in 1930 but moved to San Diego, California.

Not dated - possibly written in January 1935. In the previous letter, which I think was written in December 1934, Ida mentioned that she had written three letters to Roxie. And she mentions that here also.


Dear Sister, the new year has just began and because you are lonely I’ll write you. Always so glad to hear from you but first I must pick a bone with you. One letter was addressed to Kansas City, Mo. - no street number. It came after Christmas. Then one came today addressed to Wabash, Kansas City, MO. - no street number. They have a hard time locating me and for a wonder they looked me up instead of returning it to you. So no harm done but its a wonder they went to that much trouble as they are very important here in their own imagination.

This is beautiful weather - snow all gone - some ice remains and nasty and muddy a few days before Christmas. I started out and fell off the stone steps on the concrete walk - skinned my knee up pretty bad but, oh was I lucky. I might have broken bones. I’m all right now and rally happy that I was so lucky but I haven’t been out of the house. My legs are not what they used to be and so many have had awful bad falls and are in the hospital - its terrible here. Now the day before Christmas my little girl friend came and brought mince meat she made and made a nice fat mince pie and I believe I’ll make up the rest this afternoon. Sam will be glad to get it for his supper tonight. His cousin wrote us they would send us a chick when they could get to town - roads terrible.

Did I tell you they have taken Belva (Joe's wife) 160 mile from home to a hot springs. A woman doctor (I hate them). Maybe they will finish her money. Joe is awfully worried. He can write often when he is in trouble. I’m sure they are giving her the wrong treatment but I won’t say a word that might discourage him. They will have to fight it out alone as I have always had to do. Sam is so strong and well - fat, ragged, and sassy. I’m glad he is. How quick they will gobble him up when I’m gone so I’m just holding on - just sticking around and he actually seems to want me but the time is coming when one must walk alone but it won’t be for long as we are both getting near the end. I know Della will be awfully glad to hear from you and if you addressed it right she will answer you if she is at all able. Let me know for even though her children are with her she to is lonely, a great sufferer and a shut in. I believe Roxie is bed ridden or gone as she never answers. I have written three times. They didn’t come back so the children might get them. Babe is or was in San Diego, California. She is the one I would expect to write me but not a word has come. And, of course, I can’t help but worry as I can’t rely on the old “saw” that no news is good news.

Well, the cat has come in for its supper - the golden sun is sinking in the West - the mince pie is still to be baked, so I’ll quit. I love to hear from you so don’t wait so long for the end is near for both of us but I do mourn for my loved ones these Christmas and holiday times that had meant so much to me but they are happy their suffering is over.

John 11th at Lazarus’ grave - Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life - He that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall be live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die”. Comforting words to me.

Now I hope this will be a Happy New Year to you and me both. Perhaps it is best we don’t know what is in store for us in the future. Goodbye sister dear - I might send you some more candy when

[the rest of the letter is missing. . . ]

1 comment:

Terry Thornton said...

I love Ida's description of her husband as "fat, ragged, and sassy." Oh, I know that feeling! LOL!

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