
Friday, February 29, 2008

Jane Ann Shidler Murray

Jane Ann Shidler, daughter of Jacob and Rebecca (Wise) Shidler, was born on 12 Jan 1846 in Orange Township, Ashland County, Ohio, died on 28 Nov 1923 in Troy, Ashland County, Ohio at age 77, and was buried in Nankin Orange Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio. The death record of Jane Ann Murray, available at gives her parents as Rebeccah Wise, born in Wayne County, Ohio and Jacob Shidler, born in Pennsylvania.

Jane married Hugh Murray on 25 Sep 1870. Hugh was born on 29 Sep 1834, died on 10 Dec 1913 in Troy, Ashland County, Ohio at age 79, and was buried in Nankin Orange Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio.

A biography of Hugh Murray was published in the 1880 Biographical History of Ashland County by George Hill. Biographical Sketches of Early Pioneers Who Settled in Ashland County Ohio. Available online at

Hugh Murray, third son of William and Mary Murray was born in Orange Township, Ashland County, Ohio, September 29, 1834. William Murray came to Ashland County when he was a small boy about the year 1812.

Mrs. William Murray, who came about the same time at the age of twelve years is still living with her son Hugh, at the advanced age of eighty years. The Murray family are well known in all parts of the county as one of the first families to settle here after the war of 1812 closed. These heroes of Ashland County deserve to be remembered by coming generations as it was to their hardships and privations that the present and coming generations owe a debt of gratitude. William Murray was married November 1, 1825 to Mary Chilcote, daughter of Mordecai and Ruth Chilcote, another family that came to Ashland County as before mentioned. After their marriage they lived in different portions of Orange Township, and in 1834 they moved to the farm on which mother and son now live in section five, near range sixteen, the northwest corner of the township.

Mrs. Murray says she well remembers the log cabin days when quilts were often used as doors. When they came to this farm it was a wilderness and it required plenty of nerve and will to cope successfully with the hardships necessary to provide bread and clear the land. For Ashland County these hardships are the things of the past and to record the names of these good pioneers on the sacred pages of history is a pleasant duty. They had a family of eleven children, but five of whom are living. George fell at Stone River, near Murfreesborough, Tennessee, while defending the American flag. He was a private in company H, Thirtieth Indiana volunteer infantry. James was one of Michigan's Calvary boys. Hugh was a member of the One Hundred and Second Ohio volunteer infantry, company K. He returned after a service of three years to the old home in Ashland County. On September 25, 1870 he was married to Jane Shidler. They have two boys, Guy B. and Harold Fay.

He owns the old homestead consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, and has added eighty acres making one of the most desirable farms in the township. The scenes of his childhood, no doubt, still linger in his mind, and more so as he has the pleasure of associating with his good mother, a pleasure that few men of his age are allowed. In politics Mr. Murray is a Democrat, and is a man of many friends and as a neighbor is highly esteemed.
Children of Hugh Murray and Jane Ann Shidler were:

1. Guy Bracefridge Murray was born on 01 May 1876 in Ashland County, Ohio and died on 19 Nov 1949 in Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio at age 73. The 1930 census for Nova, Troy Township, Ashland County, Ohio (page 3a) lists Guy as 53 years old and single. He owns his home valued at $3500, has a radio, and is a cashier at a bank. He is not a veteran. Living in his household is a cousin, 76 year old Mary J. Waggoner and Clare Simmons, also 76 years old, listed as a housekeeper with no relationship given. Mary is single while Clare is widowed.

2. Harold Fay Murray was born on 25 Dec 1878 and died on 16 Oct 1961 in Berea, Cuyahoga County, Ohio at age 82. Harold married Bessie L. about 1906. She was born in 1887 in Ohio. They had two children, both born in Ohio: Howard W. Murray was born about 1912 and Robert F. Murray was born about 1914.

3. Macy Murray was born in Nov 1883 and died on 03 Jul 1965 in Ashland County, Ohio at age 81. Macy married Wiley Burdette Hart about 1905. He was born on 08 Jul 1877 in Ohio. Macy and Wiley had one known child, Florence Hart, born about 1908 in Ohio.

The Murray and Hart families were located in the following census records:

1880 Ashland County, Ohio (Orange Township page 24d)
Hugh Murray, 45, farmer, born Ohio, his parents born Pennsylvania.
Jane A., 34, wife, born Ohio, parents born Pennsylvania
Guy, age 11 or 17, son, born Ohio
Fay, age can't be deciphered, son, born Ohio
Mary, 79, Mother, born Pennsylvania
Jennie Wagner, 26, no relation given, no occupation given, born Ohio
Frederick Householde [?], 19, no relation given, farm laborer, born Ohio

1900 Ashland County, Ohio (Orange Township page 171a)
Hue Murry, Sept 1834, 65, married 30 years, born Ohio, father born Pennsylvania, mother born Ohio, Farmer
Jennie A., wife, Jan 1846, 54, married 30 years, 3 children 3 living, born Ohio father born Pennsylvania, mother born Ohio
Guy B., son, May 1876, 24, single, born Ohio, Farm Laborer
Harrold F., son, Dec 1878, 21, single, born Ohio, Farm Laborer
Macy M., daughter, Nov 1883, 16, single, born Ohio

1910 Ashland County, Ohio (Orange Township page 11b)
Hugh Murray, 75, married once 39 years, born Ohio, parents born Ohio, Own Income
Jennie, wife, 64, married once 39 years, 3 children 3 living, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
Jennie Waggoner, wife [sic], 56, single, born Ohio, parents born Ohio

1910 Huron County, Ohio (Chicago Jct Village, New Haven Township page 81)
Harold F. Murray, 32, married once 4 years, born Ohio, parents born Ohio, Express Messenger
Bessie L., wife, 23, married once 4 years, no children, born Ohio, parents born Ohio

1910 census for Ashland County, Ohio (Troy Township page 6a)
Wiley Hart, 32, married once 5 years, born Ohio, parents born Pennsylvania, Hardware Merchant
Macy, wife, 26, married once 5 years, 1 child 1 living, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
Florence L., daughter, 2, born Ohio

1920 Ashland County, Ohio (Troy Township page 3b)
Jennie A. Murray, head of household, 73, widowed, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
Guy B., son, 43, single, born Ohio, Cashier, Bank
Jennie Waggoner, Niece, 67, single, born Ohio, Nurse, Private Home

1920 Huron County, Ohio (Willard Village, New Haven Township page 85)
Harold F. Murray, 41, married, born Ohio, occupation illegible, works for Railroad
Bessie L., wife, 33, married, born Ohio
Howard W., son, 8, born Ohio
Robert F., son, 6, born Ohio

1920 census for Ashland County, Ohio (Troy Township page 3a)
Wiley B. Hart, 41, married, born Ohio, father born Pennsylvania, mother born Ohio, Salesman, Automobile
Macy M., wife, 36, married, born Ohio, parents born Ohio
Florence L., daughter, 12, born Ohio
Lois, niece, 21, single, born Ohio, Teacher, Public School

Source information is available upon request. If anyone reading this is related to these people or has any information on them, please contact me! kinexxions "at" gmail "dot" com

New Whitley County Resource

The "Index to Old Settlers Necrology 1906-2007" has been added on the Kinexxions website.

The compilation, which includes more than 22,600 names, is from Whitley County Newspapers and from files in the Whitley County Historical Museum. The Old Settlers Necrology lists were generally published annually on Old Settlers Day and included those people who had died in the previous year who were considered "Old Settlers" of Whitley County as defined by the Old Settlers Association: "Anyone who was 30 years of age or older who had lived in Whitley County for 30 years or more."

The lists often included those who lived elsewhere at the time of their death. Some lists included everyone who died while living in Whitley County regardless whether they were "old settlers" or not. In other words, there really wasn't any consistency from one year to the next as to who was or was not included. It depended upon who was compiling the list. In about half of the years the full date of death was given, while in others only the month and year. In several years there was simply a listing of those who had died since the previous Old Settlers Day with no date or month listed.

The individuals involved in this project were Beverly Henley, Cindy Keirn, Dorothy Bordner and Becky Wiseman.

Rebecca Wise Shidler

Rebecca Wise Shidler, probable/possible daughter of Peter and Christina Wise, was born about 1822-1825 in Pennsylvania, died on 04 Feb 1877, and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio. Rebecca Wise married Jacob Shidler on March 16, 1843 in Wayne County, Ohio (Wayne County, Ohio Marriages 1813-1898, Wayne County Genealogical Society, 1997 citing vol 4B pg 8).

The online cemetery transcription shows that Rebecca died Feb. 4, 1877 age 51y 6m. Using her age at death, her date of birth calculates to August 4, 1825. However, she was 28 in the 1850 census, 38 in 1860, and 46 in 1870, making her year of birth between 1822-1825. In all three census records she was listed as born in Pennsylvania. She could be the one female, age 15-19 listed in the household of Peter Wise in the 1840 Wayne County, Ohio census.

Rebecca is being included here as a probable/possible daughter of Peter and Christina Wise based upon information that my grandmother gave in a handwritten note listing the grandchildren of "John" Wise. However, they weren't grandchildren of John but, rather, of Rebecca Wise Shidler.

The note found in my grandmother's files:
grandchildren of John Wise, brother of Jacob Wise [rwNote: grandchildren of Rebecca Wise]
Jenny Murry [rwNote: Jane A. Shidler Murray, d/o of Rebecca Wise]
Guy Murry - Mansfield - children of Jenny Murry [rwNote: son of Jane A. Shidler Murray]
Robert Murry (Ashland) [rwNote: grandson of Jane A. Shidler Murray by her son Harrold]
Mrs. Macy Hart - sister of Guy Murry - Ashland, Ohio [rwNote: daughter of Jane A. Shidler Murray]

Jacob Shidler, Rebecca's husband, was born on 23 Nov 1819, died on 23 Oct 1866, and was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio.

Children of Jacob Shidler and Rebecca Wise were:

  1. Jane Ann Shidler was born on 12 Jan 1846 in Orange Township, Ashland County, Ohio, died on 28 Nov 1923 in Troy, Ashland County, Ohio at age 77, and was buried in Nankin Orange Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio. Jane married Hugh Murray on 25 Sep 1870. Hugh was born on 29 Sep 1834, died on 10 Dec 1913 in Troy, Ashland County, Ohio at age 79, and was buried in Nankin Orange Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio.
  2. William Shidler was born on 02 Sep 1847 in Orange Township, Ashland County, Ohio, died on 09 Sep 1922 in Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio at age 75, and was buried in Ashland City Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio. William married Elizabeth Myers on 05 Nov 1872. Elizabeth was born on 27 Mar 1850 in Myersdale, Pennsylvania, died on 14 Jun 1924 in Ashland, Ashland County, Ohio at age 74, and was buried in Ashland City Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio.
The Shidler family was located in the following census records:

1850 Ashland County, Ohio (Orange Township page 495)
Jacob Shidler, 31, male, farmer, born Pennsylvania
Rebecca, 28, female, born Pennsylvania
Jane A., 4, female, born Ohio
William, 3, male, born Ohio

1860 Ashland County, Ohio (PO Nankin, Orange Township page 10)
Jacob Shidler, 40, farmer, Real Estate valued at $3000, Personal Estate valued at $1046, born Pennsylvania
Rebecca, 38, female, born Pennsylvania
Jane A., 14, female, born Ohio
Wm, 12, male, born Ohio

1870 Ashland County, Ohio (PO Nankin, Orange Township page 763)
Rebecca Shidler, 46, female, white, keeping house, Real Estate valued at $15145, Personal Estate valued at $3400, born Pennsylvania
Jennie, 24, female, white, born Ohio
William, 22, male, white, Manager of farm, born Ohio
[rwNote: check out the value of her Real Estate and Personal Estate.]

Maple Grove Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio online transcriptions
Jacob Shidler died Oct. 23, 1866 age 46y 1m 23d [dob calculates to 30 Aug 1820]
Maude Shidler d/o W. & E. died Nov. 3, 1874 age 1y 2m 23d [a granddaughter]
Rebecca Shidler w/o Jacob died Feb. 4, 1877 age 51y 6m [dob calculates to 04 Aug 1825]

Source information is available upon request. If anyone reading this is related to these people or has any information on them, please contact me! kinexxions "at" gmail "dot" com

Wise Family - Index to Posts

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Genea-Techie Stuff

The topic for the next Carnival of Genealogy, announced in the last edition, is "Technology. What technology do you most rely on for your genealogy and family history research? Select one piece of hardware (besides your computer), one piece of software (besides your internet browser), and one web site/blog (besides your own) that are indispensable to you." Jasia cautioned us to "Resist the urge to dilute the impact of your 3 choices by mentioning several others you use and appreciate as well. This is an exercise in appraising the technology you use/recommend the most."

Well, okay. As with most things when you have to select "the best" or "most important" the decisions are not easy. The fact of the matter is that what I consider to be at the top of the technological heap changes from month-to-month, sometimes even day-to-day, depending upon what I happen to be working on at the time. So I'm going to have to go with the here and now. . .

Hardware: This would have to be the DSL Modem. Without it I couldn't connect to the Internet and do all those other marvelous genealogy related things, like finding stuff, or writing this blog, or communicating via email with family and other researchers.

Software: Legacy Family Tree is the software that I use for recording all that wonderful information I find on family, near and far, close and distant. I've used a variety of programs over the years starting with PAF (DOS version) and even tried Family Tree Maker but I like Legacy. It works well for me. No matter which genea-software you use, it sure beats those 3x5 index cards I used to use!

Web Site: Okay, this is probably going to shock a few people, especially after a certain fiasco a few months back ;-) and I really, really hate to admit it - but right now, and for the past few months, the web site that has been indispensable to me in my research is and its sister site (okay, maybe that is breaking the rules, or at least bending them a little, but they are owned by the same company).

Well, there you have it, for whatever it's worth. Ask me next month, next week, or even tomorrow and my recommendations will be different. It just depends, you know.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wiliam Wise, son of Peter and Christina ?

William Wise was born in Pennsylvania between 1821-1826. He is the possible/probable son of Peter and Christina Wise, most likely their oldest child. This assumption is based upon the fact that William lived in close proximity to Peter and Christina in Wayne County, Ohio as well as in Miami County, Indiana. William's first wife and several of his children are buried in Gilead Cemetery in the same row as Peter and Christina. Their plots are next to each other.

William could be the male age 20-29 listed in the household of Peter Wise in the 1840 Wayne County, Ohio census. However, his age in later census records indicates that he was born between 1821-1826 which would put him in the 15-19 age group. There was no male listed in that age group in 1840 in Peter's household. In 1850, William was 24 (born 1826), in 1860 he was 37 (born 1823), in 1870 he was 49 (born 1821) and in 1880 he was 58 (born 1822). In all census records in which he has been found, William was listed as born in Pennsylvania.

William was married twice. His first wife, Mary Ann was born 09 Jun 1826 in Pennsylvania, died on 05 Jan 1870, and is buried in Gilead Cemetery in Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana. Her date of birth is calculated from the date of death and age (43y 6m 27d) on her gravestone.

William's second wife, according to the 1880 census, was Nancy who was born in 1833 in Pennsylvania.

Children (based on census and cemetery records) of William and Mary Ann Wise were:

  1. Newton O. Wise was born on 16 Dec 1847, died on 10 Dec 1874 at age 26, and was buried in Gilead Cemetery in Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana.
  2. Samuel Wise was born in 1850 in Ohio.
  3. Wealthy O. Wise was born on 04 Nov 1852 in Indiana, died on 24 Jan 1874 at age 21, and was buried in Gilead Cemetery in Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana.
  4. Emeline Wise was born in 1856 in Indiana.
  5. Cecillius Wise was born in 1861 in Indiana.
Marriage records have not been found for William, for either of his marriages in Wayne County, Ohio or Miami County, Indiana. No marriage records have been found for his children in Miami County or Wabash County, Indiana. The last record I have on this family is the 1880 census when they lived in Roann, Wabash County. His 19 year old son Cecillius was living with William and his second wife.

William Wise and his family were located in the following census records:

1850 Wayne County, Ohio (Congress Township, page 299)
Wm Wise, 24, male, farmer, born Pennsylvania
Mary, 24, female, born Pennsylvania
Newton O., 2, male, born Ohio
[no name], 3/12, male, born Ohio
Adam Holmes, 23, male, Wagon Maker, born Pennyslvania

1860 Wabash County, Indiana (Pleasant Township, page 2)
William Wise, 37, farmer, real estate valued at $2400, personal estate at $200, born Pennsylvania
Mary A., 34, born Pennsylvania
Newton A., 12, male, born Ohio
Samuel, 10, male, born Ohio
Welthy A., 7, female, born Indiana
Emiline, 5, female, born Indiana

1870 Miami County, Indiana (Perry Township page 141/26)
William Wise, 49, farmer, Real Estate $5000, Personal Estate $500, born Pennsylvania
Wealthy, 17, female, keeping house, born Indiana
Emeline, 14, female, born Indiana
Cecillius, 9, male, born Indiana
James Faris, 80, male, retired farmer, born Virginia, citizen of the U.S.
Nancy Faris, 65, female, keeping house, born Virginia

1880 Wabash County, Indiana (Roann, Paw Paw Township page 44d)
William Wise, white, male, 58, farmer, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania
Nancy, white, female, 47, wife, keeping house, born Pennsylvania, parents born Pennsylvania
Cicilius, white, male, 19, son, laborer, born Indiana

Wise Family - Index to Posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Catherine Kircher

It is my theory that Catherine Kircher was a daughter of Peter and Christina Wise. She was born in Ohio between 1825-1835. She was not listed in the household of Peter and Christina Wise in the 1850 Wayne County, Ohio census. She is not included in the published index of marriage records for Wayne County nor is she in the WPA marriage index for Miami or Wabash County, Indiana. Catherine died on 05 Feb 1884 in Miami County, Indiana. Too early for official death records that might include the names of her parents.

So, what makes me believe that Catherine is a daughter of Peter and Christina Wise? Four items:
  1. Catherine and William Kircher are family #399 in the 1860 census for Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana. Peter and Christina Wise are family #398 in the same township.
  2. She and her husband William are buried in the same row, next to and north of Peter and Christina Wise in Gilead Cemetery, Miami County, Indiana.
  3. Although Catherine's obituary is a very nice write-up, it provides virtually no family information aside from giving her husband's name. However, the obituary was authored by Effie Hoffman, daughter of Eliza Jane Wise Hoffman who is a confirmed daughter of Peter and Christina.
  4. Among the four claimants in the October 25, 1887 final report of the estate of Christina Wise is Luella Culbertson (Catherine's daughter) and William Kircher (Catherine's husband).
When was Catherine born?
Her date of birth based on her age at death and the date of death on her gravemarker calculates to 16 Dec 1825. But based upon census records she would have been born between 1829-1835. In the 1860 census she is 25 years old (born 1835), in 1870 she is 38 (born 1832), and in 1880 Catherine is 51 years old (born about 1829). An amazing woman indeed, Catherine apparently aged more than 10 years in each census period and 8 years in the four years between the 1880 census and her death in 1884. I've seen many a woman get younger with each census period but seldom one that grows older each census year! Catherine could be one of the three females aged 10-14 or the female aged 5-9 listed with Peter Wise in the 1840 census in Wayne County, Ohio.

Catherine's obituary was published in the Miami County Sentinel, Peru, Indiana on Thursday, February 14, 1884.

Gilead, Ind., Feb. 11, 1884. This community was called upon to pay its last tribute of respect, on last Thursday, to Catharine Kircher, wife of Wm. Kircher, near this place. Mrs. K. died with that dread disease, consumption. She had been ill a long time, and it was quite evident to herself and all her friends that the destroyer was making inroads upon her frail health that would soon result in death. All the medical skill that could be procured was used, but to no effect. The die was cast and fate seemed against her. She had hoped to get well, yet when she found that she must die, she seemed contented and ready to go.

She was a faithful member of the M. E. Church for 35 years and never faltered in the faith for an instant. Her whole aim through life seemed to be to live near to her God and do her whole duty to her family and neighbors. Her life was as pure as a life can be spent in this sinful world, for perfection belongs to Christ alone, and not to mortals. Her last moments were these of peace; having taken a final leave of her family she calmly composed herself and waited patiently for the moment when it should be said of her that she was no more. The time even seemed long to her, so desirous was she to go and be with Christ.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Carvey, of Macy. He delivered an excellent discourse in the M. E. Church at Gilead, after which the remains were deposited in the cemetery near Gilead. A large concourse of friends and neighbors attended on this solemn occasion. All felt as if another good woman had passed away, gone to that clime from whose bourne no traveler has as yet returned. The only wish is that her bright example may be emulated by many others. Effie Hoffman.

Catherine married William Kircher, probably before 1860 when their daughter Luella was born. William was born on 12 Jan 1828 and died on 15 Nov 1895 in Miami County, Indiana. He is not listed in the extensive obituary index at the Peru Library.

They had one daughter, Luella Kircher, born about 1860 in Indiana. Luella married Jonathan Ambrose Culbertson before 1880. John and Luella Culberson are listed in the 1880 census with William and Catherine Kircher. Jonathan was born on 22 Oct 1857, died on 23 Apr 1883 in Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana at age 25, and was buried in Gilead Cemetery in Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana

Jonathan's obituary was published in the Miami County Sentinel, Peru, Indiana on Thursday, April 26, 1883. It reads, in part, "Last Monday Jonathan Ambrose Culbertson, the son-in-law of William Kircher, of Perry township, rashly took his own life by shooting himself through the head. He had brooded over imaginary wrongs until he was undoubtedly afflicted with a partial alienation of mind. He had returned from the village, where he had been in company with his wife and gone to his room. When dinner was ready Mr. Kircher went up stairs to call the young man, and found him dead. A letter, written just before committing the rash act, and addressed to his wife is published below.

"Young Culbertson had married the only child of Mr. Kircher, who was as kind to his son-in-law as a father could be to a son. There was no cause for the suicide and the act can only be accounted for on the hypothesis that a derangement of his mental faculties existed at the time. Below we print the evidence given before the Coroner, and the official report of that officer. Evidence taken on the 24th day of April 1883, at the inquest on Jonathan A. Culbertson.

"Letter found in the room of deceased, April 23, 1883.
"Mrs. Louilla Culbertson: 'Here is a line left for you. I am tired of life; so will pass away. Fret not and mourn not for me for I am going where they mourn not and they weep not. Our life together, you know what it has been; some very happy times and others not so good. Perhaps if we had been alone things might have been different - But alas! It's too late. You can get along though better without me than with me, for God will take care of you and Willie. And so I say do not worry for me. For the God of the Universe will take care of you. It is true that it is hard to part from you for I love you dearly and harder still when I think of the news I leave with you. But maybe that they will use you better when I am gone than when I am here, God knows that I can stand this kind of living no longer. So darling I bid you a last farewell. May God bless you and baby.' Brose."

It continues with the testimony reports of William Kircher, Louilla Culbertson of several other people who arrived on the scene shortly after the event.

I have not found any additional information on Louella Culbertson/Culberson after October 1887 when she was mentioned in the final report of the estate of Christina Wise. I've ran various searches on the 1900 and later census indexes at for Louella and her son Willie, who was probably named William after her father.

The family was found in the following census records:
1860 Miami County, Indiana (Perry Township, family 399 page 194) Peter Wise is family 398.
Wm Kitcher, 32, farmer, Personal Estate valued at $400, born Ohio
Catherine, 25, born Ohio
Lewis, 1/12, male, born Indiana [most likely their daughter Luella]

1870 Miami County, Indiana (Perry Township, PO Gilead page 132)
Wm Kercher, 42, farmer, Real Estate valued at $4000, Personal Estate valued at $1200, born Ohio
Catharine, 38, keeping house, born Ohio
Lulla, 10, born Indiana

1880 Miami County, Indiana (Perry Township, page 12)
William Kircher, 53, farmer, born Ohio, parents born Pennsylvania
Catharine, 51, wife, keeping house, born Ohio, parents born Pennsylvania
John A. Culberson, 22, Son In Law, farmer, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Pennsylvania
Luella Culberson, 20 daughter, assistant house keeper, born Indiana, parents born Ohio

Wise Family - Index to Posts

Monday, February 25, 2008

Before You Go

Is a "A tribute and thank you to our aging veterans. Dedicated to the veterans of WWII and the veterans of the Korean War who helped preserve that victory."

Read the story behind the song.

Listen to the song and watch the slideshow.

"Before You Go" is very moving and powerful. Beautifully enhanced by the accompanying photographs. Lyrics by Dr. Sam Bierstock and music by John Melnick.

Thanks to Roots Television Megan's Roots World for the link to the song.

Although they are no longer here to say "Thank You" to and receive acknowledgment of their contributions, two WWII vets in my family are remembered and honored in articles I've posted in the past year.
There are other WWII veterans in my family, honored in this tribute written for Memorial Day last year, but I don't have details of their service, yet.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What is Blogging? Why would I want to do it?

Thursday evening I'm giving a one-hour presentation on blogging at the monthly meeting of the Genealogical Society of Whitley County. They meet the third Thursday every month, except December, at the Peabody Public Library in Columbia City. To make it easier for the attendees to utilize the links, and possibly to help out some of my non-blogging readers (assuming there are any) in deciding whether or not to take up blogging, the text of that presentation is posted below. The handout will have a text list of all the hypelinks included.

This is meant for someone who knows nothing about blogs or blogging. It's a lot to cover in an hour, so some of it will probably barely be mentioned, but the handout will provide a starting point and links for additional information. Depending upon the response, there may be a follow-up presentation or perhaps even a half-day hands-on workshop on creating a blog. Let me know if you think I've left out something important. . .


What is a blog?

In the beginning, in the late 1990s, it was called a "web log" then the term got shortened to blog. Initially defined as an "online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page that is typically updated daily and often reflects the personality of the author.” In its present day incarnation, a blog can be used for virtually any purpose and can be used to discuss nearly any topic imaginable.

The Wikipedia entry for "blog" states that it "is a website where entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. 'Blog' can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting) are part of a wider network of social media. Micro-blogging is another type of blogging which consists of blogs with very short posts. As of December 2007, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 112 million blogs."

What's the difference between a website and a blog?

A "normal" website is usually a static page just sitting out there on the internet. It may have information on your family, a few stories about the family history, some pictures perhaps, and contact information. Once created, a web page seldom changes. It sits out there on the information highway just waiting for someone to drop by, read it and leave. Typically maintained by one person it doesn't allow anyone else to add to it.

A blog is a website that contains a series of articles, stories, news, tips, and information on the family’s history. It is dynamic in the sense that the front page changes when new material is added. It can also be interactive if comments are allowed. Comments give people the opportunity to provide feedback on the information you have posted. A blog can also be a "group" blog, which allows postings to be made by more than one person.

Why do I want to blog?

A blog allows you to quickly and easily create a place on the web where people can find you, learn about you, and interact with you. Content generally requires no "html" coding, which is the "stuff" you don't normally see on a web page, it is what makes the web page visible on screen. It might help to know a little bit about "html" but it really isn't necessary.

With a blog you can express yourself, you can write and publish from virtually anywhere, and you can interact with visitors. Blogging is really about connecting with and hearing from anyone who reads your work and cares to respond.

In August of last year, I wrote a post "Why Blog Genealogy? Why not?" that dealt with my thoughts on the subject. That article also includes links to some other posts on that topic as well as posts on some of the issues involved with blogging.

What do I need to consider before creating a blog?

The two bloggers listed below have provided better and more information on this than I possibly could in the amount of time allowed for this presentation. Although it isn't necessary, I highly recommend reading the posts on choosing a title or name for your blog and selecting a blog platform.

On her Family History blog Lorelle VanFossen links to a series of posts she created on "Building a Genealogy Blog" in which she discusses the purpose of the blog, the features you might want, choosing a blog title, what to put into your family history blog, as well as other topics dealing with blogging your family history.

For general information about blogging, ProBlogger Darren Rowse created a series of posts called "Blogging Tips for Beginners" that covers such things as deciding whether blogging is right for you, how to choose a topic, selecting a blog platform, deciding on a name for your blog, and much more.

How often do I have to post? How much time is this going to take?

There is no set schedule. Post whenever you want. Really. A few genea-bloggers post once or more a day while the majority of active genea-bloggers post once or maybe twice a week, or once every other week. It really is up to you. Time? Again, it's up to you and it really depends upon what kind of writer you are. If you are a quick writer, so much the better, you'll spend less time on your posts. However, I'm a slow, deliberate writer. It takes me a long time to create a post on my family. I seldom log into Blogger and write a post in real time. Almost always I write it, read it, and re-read it several times. Then I log into blogger and copy/paste the text and format it as needed. One thing you really do need to keep in mind though. Like genealogy itself, blogging can become addictive. Not just writing your blog but reading the posts of other genea-bloggers.

What do I post?

Pretty much whatever you want, it is your blog! Take a look at some of the other genea-bloggers. What are they posting? How are they posting? Family stories, memories, questions, research tips, news items, links to websites and other blog posts, responding to "challenges" put out by other bloggers, and participating in the Carnival of Genealogy are just some of the topics that can be discussed in a family history - genealogy blog.

Where do I find other genealogy-related blogs?

Most blogs have a "sidebar" (an area on either side of their posts) where they put links to other blogs. Click on those links, that's why they are there. You will find some amazing posts and very creative writers that will provide inspiration and ideas for your blog.

Chris Dunham's Genealogy Blog Finder now includes over 800 blogs in 26 different categories. Not all of them are currently active. I'll admit it, I haven't read them all ;-) but occasionally I do take the time to browse the various categories and discover something new and interesting.

In addition to listing some blogs, the category Blogs for Genealogy at Cyndi's List includes links to blogging-related sites.

A VERY SHORT Sampling of Genealogy and Family History Blogs.

I hesitated to include a list of links to other genea-bloggers because it implies that those listed are perhaps "better" than others and that, quite simply, is not true. Actually, the blogroll, on the right side of my blog includes many of the blogs that I read, so consider that a list of links! I was asked to highlight some blogs for this presentation so selected half a dozen for that purpose. These genea-bloggers have developed a "niche" for themselves, but there is far more to these bloggers than just their niche!

Humor: The Genealogue
Chris Dunham's "Top Ten" lists and links to genealogy related news items, past and present, will have you ROTFLOL (that's rolling on the floor laughing out loud). His ongoing "Genealogue Challenges" series will have you spending time puzzling over someone else's past.

Polish Records: Steve's Genealogy Blog
If you have Polish ancestors then Stephen Danko can help! He posts copies of the records he has found on his family along with translations (and transcriptions) of the documents and lots of other interesting things.

Journaling or "memory" prompts: AnceStories2
Miriam provides "Weekly journal prompts to help you document your life and the lives of your ancestors for future generations." Miriam highlights stories of her family and ancestors in a second blog called AnceStories.

Carnival of Genealogy: Creative Gene
With the COG, started in June 2006, Jasia brings together posts from other genea-bloggers on a specific topic twice each month. The COG, which has helped create a community of sorts, challenges you to write on a specific topic, some which you might not otherwise consider. Jasia has also shared many interesting stories on her family and her quest for her Polish ancestors as well as tips and other thought-provoking articles.

News and Reviews: Genealogy Reviews Online
Tim Agazio highlights "news, reviews and other interesting items related to genealogy and history" from newspapers and other websites while adding personal insight into those stories.

Research Tips and Genealogy News: Genea-Musings
Randy Seaver provides a slew of genealogy related research tips, news items, and humor as well as some of his own family history research stories.

What Tools are there for Blogging?

There are several places on the web where you can create a blog. WordPress and Blogger are probably the two hosting services with the highest visibility and highest usage. They both have similar features and they are both free. I'm sure that they each have their benefits and their drawbacks.

I chose Blogger because it seemed a little less complex and it is what many of the other genealogy bloggers use. Blogger is owned by Google and appears to index the blogs fairly rapidly, meaning someone searching for something you've written about will likely find it on your blog sooner than they might have otherwise.

To create a blog At WordPress
At the WordPress homepage, click on the "Sign Up Now!" button. You'll need to enter a username and password. If desired, the username can also be used as the blog name.

Once you've entered the required information, click on the box to signify that you have read the terms and conditions, then press enter. A dialog box will be displayed with options to create a post, change the blog template, or go to the homepage. You can also select your theme, add widgets, extras and a custom header, if desired.

It is really that simple to create a blog. Now what? Well, you might want to partake of the tutorials on WordPress that are available to pick up some hints and tips on writing and formatting posts and making changes to your blog settings.
To create a blog At Blogger
At the Blogger homepage. . . there are two ways to create a blog, depending upon whether you have a Google account or not. If you use gmail, then you already have a Google account.

If you already have a Google account:
Sign in to Blogger
A screen will display for you to enter a "display" name, which is the name used to
sign your posts
Click on the box to accept the terms and conditions
Click on continue
So as not to have to repeat the same information, skip over the next paragraph...

If you do not have a Google account:
Click on the orange arrow that says "Create Your Blog Now"
The "Google Account" screen will be displayed
Type in your email address (must be a pre-existing, legitimate address)
Type in your password
Type in the display name you want to use
Type in the text for the word verification
Click on the check box to accept the terms and conditions
Click on continue.

At the next screen:
Type in a title for your blog (it can have spaces in the name)
Type in the desired url (which can be the same as the name but without spaces)
Click on "check availability"
Blogger will let you know if the url can't be used.
Click on Continue.

Select a template to use
Click on Continue
Click on the "Start Posting" arrow

That's it, your blog has been created!

To create a post:
Type in a title for your post.
Type in the text or body of the post.
Type in a label (a category) for the post
Click on the "Publish Post" button
And there you have it, your first post!

Yes, it is easy, but in actuality there are also some other housekeeping chores that will require your attention. If you didn't previously have a Google account you will receive an email with a link to verify and activate your account.

You will want to edit your profile and add a picture of yourself to display on the blog.

You may also want to change some of the default settings for the blog and tweak some of the layout items to make it more personal.

Though sometimes not quite as helpful as it could be, the best place to learn about
these things is the Blogger Help Center, which can also be accessed from the Blogger Dashboard when you are signed in to Blogger.
Obviously, I think blogging your family history is worth the time and effort spent, and it's fun too, but it isn't for everyone. Blogging is a commitment, not only to your readers but to yourself, and the rewards are numerous.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Death Record of Eliza Wise Hoffman

When I visited Wabash last Thursday I stopped at the Health Department to get a copy of the Death Record of Eliza Wise Hoffman. When the clerk was looking at Eliza's record she made the comment that the handwriting was atrocious. I asked to look at the record myself but my request was refused. As was my request for an actual copy of the record itself. Instead what she said she'd do is get another clerk to look at it the next day and then mail the certificate to me. So, figuring that was the best offer I'd get, I paid the $5.00 and gave them my address. The certificate arrived in the mail on Saturday.

Unless there is a specific reason that you need a certified copy, you should request a "genealogy copy" of death records in Indiana, whether requesting them from the county or the state. Also inquire as to the cost if ordering from a county, each one seems to charge a different fee. The charge for ordering from the state is $8.00 and it must be paid in advance. They call it a "record search" so you pay whether or not they find the requested record. Information on ordering death records (and birth records) can be found at the Indiana State Department of Health website.

Genealogy Copy of Death Certificate of Eliza Jane Huffman.
Certificate of Death Registration
Wabash County Health Department
Date of Death: November 2, 1920
Age: 78 YEARS Marital Status: WIDOWED Gender: FEMALE
Cause of Death: CANCER STOMACH
Certified By: G. P. KIDD MD
Cemetery: IOOF PAW PAW TOWSNHIP ROANN IN Disposition Date: 11/04/1920
File Date: 11/30/1920 Book: 1918-25 Page/Line: 41 #512 Issued On: 02/15/2008
Signed by (Health Officer)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Not all information is available for all years.
Birth Date: 05/11/1842 May 11, 1842 Birth City: [blank] Birth State: OHIO
Occupation: HOUSEWIFE Industry: DOMESTIC SSN: [blank] Race: WHITE
Address: City: ROANN State: INDIANA
Father's Name: PATR ? WISE Father's BirthPlace: PENNSYLVANIA
Mother's Name: CHRISTINA Maiden: GARNE Mother's BirthPlace: UNKNOWN
Informant's Name: EFFIE WASTHREY ? Inform. Address: ROANN, IN Relationship: UNKNOWN
Eliza's Spouse was Anthony Huffman, not Arthur. Her Father's first name was Peter. The informant was probably her daughter, Effie Wertenberger.

The new piece of information from this record is the maiden name of Eliza's mother, GARNE. Although I don't know how helpful that will be! An initial search for that surname at turned up absolutely no useful information. Without having actually looked at the death record I don't know if GARNE is what was in the record or if it was perhaps, a best guess by the clerk.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The iGene Awards have arrived at the Carnival

Jasia has posted the Carnival of Genealogy, 42nd Edition over at Creative Gene. The topic for the February 18, 2008 edition is iGene Awards 2007! And the 23 participants are now the founding members of the Academy of Genealogy and Family History. I'm not sure what all that entails, but it sure sounds impressive ;-) Thanks, Jasia.

There were five categories and each AGFH member selected at least one post from the past year that they considered to be their best each of the categories. This was an opportunity to highlight those "special" posts from 2007 and the selections certainly cover a wide spectrum.

And, Jasia has issued a call for submissions for next carnival:
The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy will be: Technology. What technology do you most rely on for your genealogy and family history research? Select one piece of hardware (besides your computer), one piece of software (besides your internet browser), and one web site/blog (besides your own) that are indispensable to you. Resist the urge to dilute the impact of your 3 choices by mentioning several others you use and appreciate as well. This is an exercise in appraising the technology you use/recommend the most.

The deadline for submissions is March 1st. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

February 17th

Born on this date:
  • Hal Holbrook, academy-award-nominee for best supporting actor for his role in "Into the Wild" and one of my favorite actors is 83. Born Harold Rowe Jr. in 1925.
  • Chaim Potok, born as Herman Harold Potok in 1929, died July 23, 2002. I read two of his novels, "The Chosen" and "The Promise" many-many years ago.
  • Jim Brown, born in 1936, is 72. He was selected as the 4th greatest athlete of the 20th century by ESPN.
  • Gene Pitney was born on this date in 1940. He died April 5, 2006. He's one of my favorite singers from the early 1960s. "Town Without Pity", "Only Love Can Break A Heart", and of course "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance".
  • Becky Wiseman, family historian and genea-blogger, has reached the big six-oh milestone today. The best is yet to come!
  • Lou Diamond Phillips, actor, probably best known for his role as Ritchie Valens in the 1987 movie "La Bamba" was born in 1962, he's 46 today.
  • Michael Jordan, named the top athlete of the 20th century, is 45 today. He was born in 1963.
And just a few of the "historical" events that occurred on this date:
  • 1801 - The U.S. House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Jefferson was elected president and Burr became vice president.
  • 1817 - The first gaslit streetlights appeared on the streets of Baltimore, MD.
  • 1864 - The Confederate submarine Hunley sank the USS Housatonic in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
  • 1865 - Columbia, the capital city of South Carolina, was destroyed by fire as Major General William Tecumseh Sherman marches through with his army.
  • 1876 - Julius Wolff was credited with being the first to can sardines.
  • 1878 - In San Francisco, California, the first large city telephone exchange opened. It had 18 phones.
  • 1909 - Apache chief Geronimo died of pneumonia at age 80, while still in captivity at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
  • 1913 - The Armory Show opened at the 69th Regiment Armory in New York City. The full-scale exhibition was of contemporary paintings and was organized by the Association of Painters and Sculptors.
  • 1919 - Germany signed an armistice giving up territory in Poland.
  • 1924 - Swimmer Johnny Weissmuller set a world record in the 100-yard freestyle. He did it with a time of 52-2/5 seconds in Miami, Florida.
  • 1933 - "Newsweek" was first published.
  • 1933 - Blondie Boopadoop married Dagwood Bumstead three years after Chic Young’s popular strip first debuted.
  • 1938 - The first color television was demonstrated at the Dominion Theatre in London.
  • 1944 - During World War II, the Battle of Eniwetok Atoll began. U.S. forces won the battle on February 22nd.
  • 1945 - General MacArthur's troops landed on Corregidor in the Philippines.
  • 1947 - The Voice of America began broadcasting to the Soviet Union.
  • 1960 - The Everly Brothers signed with Warner Brothers Records in a 10-year contract worth $1 million.
  • 1966 - Brian Wilson began recording the Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations."
  • 1971 - James Taylor made his prime-time television debut on ABC's "Johnny Cash Show."
  • 1976 - Bette Midler was awarded the "Woman of the Year" award from Harvard's University's Hasty Pudding Theatrical Society.
  • 1985 - U.S. Postage stamp prices were raised from 20 cents to 22 cents for first class mail.
  • 1996 - The 400th episode of "Saturday Night Live" aired on NBC.
  • 1996 - World chess champion Garry Kasparov beat the IBM supercomputer "Deep Blue" in Philadelphia, PA.
The above list was compiled from these webpages:

Eliza Jane Wise Hoffman (1842-1920)

In the latter part of January I discovered two notes written by my grandmother that have lead to the discovery of more information on several of the children of Peter and Christina Wise, whom I believe to be the parents of my 3rd great grandfather, Jacob Wise.

This post is the final [?] update to and consolidation of the information that has been found on Eliza as well as a status report regarding research on her children. The original post on Eliza will not be updated but a link to this post will be added.

The numbers within square brackets [x] indicate sources or notes that can be found at the bottom of the post.


Eliza Jane Wise, daughter of Peter and Christine Wise, was born 11 May 1842 in Wayne County, Ohio [1] died 02 Nov 1920 in Wabash County, Indiana [1] and is buried at Roann Community (formerly I.O.O.F.) Cemetery in Roann, Wabash County, Indiana. [1, 2, 3] She married Anthony Hoffman on October 14, 1861 in Miami County, Indiana. [4]

Her obituary was published in the Roann Clarion on Friday, November 5, 1920 [1]

Miss Eliza Jane Hoffman, widow of Anthony Wayne Hoffman, died Tuesday morning Nov. 2 at 10:30 at the home of her daughter Mrs. Effie Wertenberger 2 ½ miles northwest of Roann after a long illness from a complication of disease. Age: 78 years.

Eliza Jane Wise, daughter of Peter and Christine Wise, was born May 11, 1842 in Wayne Co. Ohio where she lived until 12 years old when she came with her parents and located in Miami Co. near Gilead living there until her marriage to A. N. [sic] Hoffman in 1860. Began house keeping in Gilead. Lived here until 1871 when they moved on a farm 1 ½ miles North West of Roann living there for a number of years when they moved to Roann. She has made her home with her daughter for a number of years. She was one of a family of 12 children, the youngest sister, Mrs. Ella Mohler living in Kansas is the only one living.

There were 5 children, 4 girls 1 boy, of these Mrs. Minnie Fheke [sic] near Ashland Ohio, Dayton of North Manchester and Effie Wertenberger remain to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Church of God. Funeral at the home Thursday 1:30 burial I. O. O. F.

Anthony Wayne Hoffman was born in March 1839 in Stark County, Ohio [5], died July 5, 1902 in Roann, Wabash County, Indiana [5] and is buried at Roann Community (formerly I.O.O.F.) Cemetery in Roann, Wabash County, Indiana. [2, 3]

His biography was published in The History of Wabash County, Indiana edited by Thomas B. Helm (John Morris, Printer, Chicago, 1884)

Anthony W. Hoffman, clerk, Roann. The subject of this sketch was born in Stark County, Ohio, March 29, 1838. When a mere infant, his father, Jacob Hoffman, removed from there to Miami County, this State, and settled in Perry Township (in 1838) at a time when the country was full of Indians and wild game. He lived on his farm until February 22, 1849, when he deceased, a victim to that plague (erysipelas), that carried so many citizens away during that year. His wife, the mother of A. W. H., survived him some eight years. After the death of his mother, the subject of our sketch lived among strangers, attending school during the winter until he arrived at the age of seventeen, when he began teaching. His first school was taught in Pleasant Township of this county, after which he entered Fort Wayne College, but on account of limited means he was in a short time obliged to give up the idea of an education, and he at once took up the trade of carpenter, working at the same during the summer and teaching in the winter. He was married, October 14, 1861, to Miss E. J. Wise, of Gilead, Ind. He kept up the practice of teaching and carpentering for several years after his marriage. The first school of Roann was taught by him. He became a resident of this county in 1867. In the spring of 1878, he was elected Justice of the Peace, in Pleasant Township, having served in that capacity in Pleasant and Paw Paw Townships for over nine years. Mr. Hoffman's family consists of wife and five children, viz.: Minnie, Dayton, Effie, Ellie, and Jennie. For the past six years. Mr. Hoffman has been employed as a salesman in the principal dry goods houses of Roann. He is widely known through this and Miami Counties as a thorough gentleman, and an earnest worker in the ranks of the Republican party. His liberality prevents his becoming a man of wealth.
Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman had five known children.

1. Minnie Hoffman, daughter of Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman, was born on 08 Dec 1861 in Gilead, Miami County, Indiana [6] died on 18 Jun 1937 in Orange Township, Ashland County, Ohio [6] at age 75, and was buried in Ashland City Cemetery, Ashland County, Ohio. [7] She married Perry M. Fluke 12 Oct 1882 in Ashland County, Ohio. [8] Minnie and Perry had two sons, William M. Sites and Robert R. Sites, both deceased. As of 2000, Minnie had 4 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren living. Still to do: determine if descendants are alive and where they are living, then make contact.

2. Dayton Hoffman, son of Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman, was born 11 Aug 1864 in Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana. [9], died 08 Nov 1940 in Miami County, Indiana [9, 10] and is buried at Roann Community (formerly I.O.O.F.) Cemetery in Roann, Wabash County, Indiana. [2, 3, 9] He was married first to Mary Smith on 01 Feb 1890 in Miami County, Indiana. [9, 11] He married as his second wife, Alta Green. [9] Dayton and Mary had four children, all deceased: Helen, Phyllis married Gordon Deck, June, and Esther who married George H. Beam. There are four grandchildren of Dayton Hoffman that are living, and probably some great-grandchildren also. I have found addresses for two of the grandchildren (brothers) and sent letters to both of them on February 13th.

3. Effie Idella Hoffman, daughter of Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman, was born in 01 Jan 1866 in Miami County, Indiana, [12] died 08 May 1944 at Roann, Wabash County, Indiana [12] and is buried at Roann Community (formerly I.O.O.F.) Cemetery in Roann, Wabash County, Indiana. [12, 2, 3] Effie married John Wertenberger on 11 Mar 1888 in Wabash County, Indiana. [13] Effie and John did not have any children, though they did take in and help raise some of her nieces and nephews.

4. Ella Hoffman, daughter of Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman, was born in 1870 in Indiana, [2, 3] died in 1918, [2, 3] and is buried at Roann Community (formerly I.O.O.F.) Cemetery in Roann, Wabash County, Indiana. [2, 3] Ella apparently did not marry and probably had no children. I have not found a death record or an obituary for her yet. Still looking for more information.

5. Jennie Mae Hoffman, daughter of Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman, was born in 29 May 1873 in Indiana [2, 3, 14], died 05 Aug 1914 in Miami County, Indiana, [2, 3, 14] and is buried at Roann Community (formerly I.O.O.F.) Cemetery in Roann, Wabash County, Indiana. [2, 3] She married Aram Tombaugh Gidley on 22 Aug 1896 in Wabash County, Indiana. [15] Jennie and Aram had one son, William Wayne (or Wayne William) Gidley but he did not have any children.

Sources and Notes:
[1] Obituary of Eliza Jane Hoffman. The Roann Clarion, Wabash County, Indiana dated Friday, November 5, 1920 p1c2
[2] Cemetery Records for Paw Paw and Pleasant Township Wabash County, Indiana. Revised Edition by Lester H. Binnie. North Manchester, Indiana, 1983.
[3] Cemetery Photographs taken February 5, 2008 by Becky Wiseman.
[4] Online data, ~ downloaded January 24, 2008. Miami County, Indiana Marriages 1850-1920: Eliza J. Wise to Anthony Huffman on Oct 14 1861 Bk C-1 p201.
[5] Wabash County Indiana Death Records October 1899 to January 1905 Extracted and Compiled by Linda Thompson, Scheuer Publications, Warsaw, Indiana, 1998. There is some conflict as to his date of birth. This publication gives it as March 19, 1838 while his obituary states that he was born March 29, 1838 but gives his age at death as 64 years 2 months 6 days, which calculates to April 29, 1838. His biography also states that he was born March 29, 1838.
[6] Death Record of Minnie Hoffman Fluke. FamilySearch Labs Online Database (, Ohio Death Records 1908-1953 downloaded January 24, 2008.
[7] Online data, Ashland City Cemetery Records Online downloaded January 24, 2008.
[8] Ashland County Ohio Marriage Records : Probate Court Volume 4 1870-1878 and Volume 5 1878-1886 by Don and Lucille Boyd. Ashland County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 2002.
[9] Obituary of Dayton W. Hoffman. Wabash Plain Dealer, Wabash County, Indiana dated Saturday, November 9, 1940 p1c4
[10] Index to Official Death Records Miami County, Indiana 1921-1974. Charles A. Wagner, Editor. Published by Peru Public Library, 1978 (Dayton W. Hoffman, age 76, died November 8, 1940)
[11] WPA Index to Miami County, Indiana Marriages 1850-1920. Hoffman-Smith on Feb 1, 1890 cites book 5A p50
[12] Obituary of Effie Idell Wertenberger. The Peru Daily Tribune, Miami County, Indiana dated Tuesday, May 9, 1944 p2c7
[13] Marriage Records of Wabash County, Indiana 1882-1899 Books 10-13, Wabash Carnegie Library, Wabash, Indiana, 1983
[14] Obituary of Mrs. A. T. Gidley. The Peru Republican, Miami County, Indiana dated Friday, August 14, 1914 p10c5. The obit was published in the Wabash Plain Dealer, probably on August 6th. Jennie's gravemarker shows her date of death as August 5th, which is a Wednesday.
[15] Marriage Records Wabash County, Indiana 1882-1899 Books 10-13. Wabash Carnegie Library, Wabash, Indiana, 1983 citing Book 13 page 114. Jennie M. Hoffman to A. T. Gidley 30 Jul 1896.

Previous posts on Eliza and her family:

  • Handwritten Notes and the Wise Family - Part 2 (01/27/2008) includes scanned images of two handwritten notes made by my grandmother that shed some light on two of the probable children of Peter and Christina, those being John Wise and Eliza Wise Hoffman. That post dealt primarily with the search for Eliza.
  • Handwritten Notes and the Wise Family - Part 3 (01/28/2008) covered what was subsequently found on the family of Eliza Wise Hoffman.
  • Eliza Wise and Anthony Hoffman Update (02/04/2008) discusses what was found at the Allen County library on Eliza and her family.
  • Doing the Happy Dance. . . (02/05/2008) Eliza's obituary was found in the Roann Clarion. It gave the name of her parents as Peter and Christine Wise. It also stated she was one of 12 children and her only living sibling was her youngest sister, Mrs. Ella Mohler who was living in Kansas.
  • Wise-Hoffman Research Continues (02/07/2008) Tells about finding Mrs. Ella Mohler in Kansas as well as the research in Peru and Wabash.
  • Wise-Hoffman Research Update (02/10/2008) Obituaries ordered for grandchildren of Eliza Wise Hoffman that were living in Ashland County, Ohio.
  • Hoffman Family in Roann Cemetery (02/11/2008) Photographs of the gravestones of the family of Eliza Wise Hoffman.

Wise Family - Index to Posts

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Look what I found

on an ancestry world tree late last night... the record hasn't been updated since 26 Oct 2003 and there are no dates except for the father's date of birth (his date of death, 23 OCT 1866, is recorded in the parents record). Virtually identical information on these people is in two databases here and here.

Update: 02/16 11:15 p.m. - I didn't realize the ancestry world tree required a login, so sorry. Here are the databases on WorldConnect:

· ID: I5619
· Name: Jane Anne SHIDLER
· Sex: F
· Birth: 12 JAN
· Change Date: 26 OCT 2003

Father: Jacob SHIDLER b: 23 NOV 1819
Mother: Rebecca WISE

Marriage 1 Hugh MURRAY

2. Harold MURRAY
3. Macy MURRAY

Now, check this out... this is part of what was written on that second note from my Grandmother:
Grandchildren of John Wise, brother of Jacob Wise
Jenny Murry
Guy Murry - Mansfield - children of Jenny Murry
Robert Murry (Ashland)
Mrs. Macy Hart - sister of Guy Murry - Ashland, Ohio

Grandma had the "wrong" sibling! The Murry's (Murray's) aren't grandchildren of John Wise, but of Rebecca Wise. So, is she the sister of my Jacob Wise?

In the Wayne County, Ohio Marriages (published in 1997) there is a Rebecca Wise who married Jacob S. Shidler on 16 Mar 1843.

I've located Rebecca Shidler in census records in Ashland County, Ohio from 1850 through 1870 and in Seneca County, Ohio from 1880 through 1910. In 1850 and 1860 her daughter is listed as Jane A. and in 1870 she is Jennie. [Note Added 02/16 11:15 p.m. The Rebecca Shidler in the Seneca County census 1880-1910 is not the right one! More on that later.]

Rebecca also has a son, William Shidler. In 1870 William is 32 years old, married and living in Orange Township, Ashland County. In his household, along with his wife and two children, is a 22 year old female "servant" named Minnie Huffman. Minnie was born in Indiana and her parents were born in Ohio. If my hunch is correct, Minnie is the daughter of Eliza Jane Wise Hoffman. Minnie married Perry M. Fluke and they lived in Ashland County, Ohio. In other words, Minnie was living with her cousin and his family.

I know, I know. It's not proof, but it sure is evidence that warrants more research! I'll also have to rethink my ideas on posting names only to online databases. I always thought it was pretty much worthless, but now, maybe not quite so much! I had already found Rebecca Shidler in the census records before I came across these databases, but I don't know that I would have made the link to this family quite as soon, if ever, without these databases.

=+==+= Added 02/16 11:15 p.m. =+==+=
An additional note about online databases... Miriam left a comment about using WorldConnect at RootsWeb rather than Ancestry World Tree. Apple responded to that comment before I was able to (thanks, Apple). Ancestry has several different "tree" databases (Public Member Trees, OneWorldTree, Personal Member Trees, Ancestry World Tree) and I'm not sure what the difference is, but the Ancestry World Tree appears to contain the same data as is on WorldConnect at Rootsweb. I have never directly submitted a tree to Ancestry but have used WorldConnect but my data shows up on Ancestry. I don't have a problem with that, they are owned by the same company but I prefer the flexibility with WorldConnect as noted by Miriam in the comments.

Here is my Bray-Wiseman database on WorldConnect.

And here it is on Ancestry.

There is no difference in the data. If I update my database on WorldConnect the update automatically feeds into the Ancestry World Tree with no intervention on my part. There may have been some confusion when I said I'd have to rethink posting names only. I guess what I should have said was posting names without dates. As the above post shows, sometimes that can be a good thing. Some information is better than none. Without sources it all has to be checked and verified anyway.

I currently only have the one database posted at WorldConnect, part of my Dad's lines. I'm still working on cleaning up the database for my mother's side of the family. When that is ready, it will probably be posted on WorldConnect. I thought about using WeRelate but quite frankly I don't have the time to invest on learning how a wiki works! It's easier to use WorldConnect and I think, with the link with Ancestry, it will get way more exposure than virtually anywhere else on the internet. There are pros and cons in regards to all choices...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Gilead Revisited

This may look familiar to some readers. It is a slightly different view of the gravesite of the family of Peter and Christina Wise in Gilead Cemetery, Miami County, Indiana.

You see that stone to the left of Peter and Christina's? (Theirs is the fourth tall white marker to the left.) Well, I have reason to believe that it is another daughter of theirs. Had I taken the time last week, to look at other stones in that area (you all know that is what you're supposed to do, don't you?) and make note of the names nearby, then when I found that information on the four claimants in Christina Wise's estate entry at the Courthouse in Peru a week ago, the names might have 'clicked' in this feeble little brain of mine. As it was, it took a while longer, but thanks to an online cemetery index I did make the connection. And yeah, I made another trip to Gilead, Peru, and Wabash. Yesterday. I'm so glad it's not all that far away. Photographs taken on February 14, 2008 by Becky Wiseman.

These were the four claimants mentioned in Christina's estate entry (about half-way down that post): Rosanna Hate (or Hale), Luella Culbertson, William Kircher, and John J. Mohler.

As noted in that post there is a William Kercher in the 1870 and 1880 census for Perry Township, Miami County, Indiana. With him in 1870 is his wife Catherine and daughter Lulla. In 1880 is his wife Catherine, John A. Culberson, son-in-law, and Luella Culberson, daughter.

That stone to the left of Peter and Christina's? It's for William and Catherine Kircher. And the one to the left of theirs? It's for their son-in-law John Culbertson. There will be another post, soon, on what I found on them. Catherine's obituary did not provide any family information (none, nada, zilch), but it was "signed" by Effie Hoffman. That would be her niece, daughter of Eliza Jane Wise Hoffman.

WILLIAM KIRCHER / DIED NOV. 15, 1895 / AGED 67 Y. 10 M. & 3 D.
CATHARINE A. HIS WIFE / DIED FEB. 5, 1884 / AGED 58 Y. 1 M. & 20 D.

With better lighting conditions, the stone on the right would be easier to read and photograph.
JOHN A. / CULBERTSON / DIED / APR. 23, 1883 / AGED 25 Y. 6M. / & 1 D.

I couldn't find this marker when I went to the cemetery last week, but with the online transcription, noted above, it was easily located this time.

ELIZABETH WISE / DIED / MAY 24, 1854 / Aged 17 Y 4 M
Yes, I swept away the snow to read her age, but it isn't a "pretty" picture.

The 2007 iGene Awards for Kinexxions

With the call for contributions (scroll, way down, to the bottom of the post) to the upcoming Carnival of Genealogy, Jasia created the Academy of Genealogy and Family History (AGFH) in which, with this post, I now become one of the founding members! As such, we are to select blog posts from the past year that we feel deserve to be recognized for outstanding achievement in five categories. The chosen posts will be awarded the first ever iGene award, also created by Jasia. Choosing the "BEST" of anything is certainly not an easy task and this definitely was not easy for me, I changed my mind many times. It is akin to asking a mother who her favorite child is or an actor the favorite part they ever played. But the deed is done, so, without further ado, my selections for Kinexxions are noted below.

Best Picture - Best old family photo that appeared on your blog in 2007. Tell us which you liked best and why.

The group of four pictures of my grandmother, Hazlette Brubaker, in Grandma's Story are the pick for Best Picture on Kinexxions. My favorite of the four is the one of her as a young girl, but all of them together create a stunning portrait of one woman's life, at least I think they do.
Best Screen Play - Which family story that you shared in 2007 would make the best movie? Who would you cast as your family members?

The heroic nature of Grandma Jones traveling from Ohio, with her five children, pushing an oxcart, and the tales of their first night spent in Whitley County wins the iGene award for Best Screen Play on Kinexxions. While her children were becoming fine upstanding citizens of the county, her brother and his sons were causing all kinds of commotion in Hell's Half Acre.

The part of Grandma Jones (Elizabeth Helms) would be played by Meryl Streep. She is one of my all-time favorite actresses, but I especially liked her in The Bridges of Madison County, Out of Africa and The River Wild. She shows a soft feminine side in her portrayals of women, but a toughness as well. Richard Dreyfus would play the part of Elizabeth's husband, William B. Jones. An odd combination, I know, but I just adore him and the various roles he has played.

Sam Elliott would portray Elizabeth's son Dewitt Clinton who was a blacksmith. Her son, Curtis Warren, who was a lawyer would be played by Hal Holbrook. Her daughters Maxia, Catherine and Mary would be portrayed by Glenn Close, Sandra Bullock, and Jodie Foster.

Elizabeth's brother George and his two sons would be played by Clint Eastwood, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Somewhere in there would have to be Robin Williams. I'm sure he could take on one of the "bit" parts and turn it into something memorable. At any rate, it's an eclectic combination of actors and actresses to be sure. But they are some of my favorites, and they'd do a fine job of telling the story of the Helms and Jones families.
Best Documentary - Which was the best informational article you wrote about a place, thing, or event involving your family's history in 2007?

I was going to go with Dad and the 511th. Clint Eastwood could certainly do that story justice, but more research would need to be done, and perhaps there have been enough movies on the events of World War II, but then again, maybe not. However, after much thought it is the more mundane story of life on The Goose Lake Farm that wins the bid for Best Documentary on Kinexxions. Ken Burns could surely turn this into an epic adventure (well, maybe adventure isn't the right word) based upon the memoirs of my grandmother, the Civil War service of William Brubaker and the untimely, early death of his son Hale.
Best Biography - Which was the best biographical article you wrote in 2007?

It was a really tough to make a selection for this category. There have been more than a few biographies written here in the past year, and of course, I think they were all quite good ;-) but since I can only select one, I'll go with the story of my Grandpa Vic, primarily because (aside from my grandmother) he is the one that I have the most personal information on, and I think his is an interesting story. You might also want to read about Grandpa's Candy making exploits which adds a bit to his personality.

Best Comedy - Which was the best funny story, poem, joke, photo, or video that you shared on your blog in 2007?

'Tis sad to say, the humor gene is one that eludes me, at least from a "creative" gene standpoint. When I tell jokes, they lose something in translation. Or I forget the punch line. My attempts at fulfilling some of the humor challenges have sometimes fallen short, which is why I so admire those who can write funny stuff. It is a given that I'll never be able to compete with (not that I really want to even try) Chris or Janet in the funny-bone department. That said, the iGene award for Comedy on Kinexxions goes to A bit of humor for April 1st posted on March 31st for the Funny, Foolish, Family edition of the Carnival of Genealogy.
Speaking of the Carnival of Genealogy, a "special" Kinexxions iGene award for Outstanding Contribution to Genea-Blogging for the year 2007 goes to Jasia of Creative Gene without whom the COG would not exist. The topics for each edition of the COG have challenged me (and others, I assume) to write on topics that perhaps we wouldn't normally address. The COG has brought together bloggers of great diversity and varied talents and created a community that is open and welcoming to new bloggers. Having hosted just one COG, I am aware of the amount of time involved with creating each edition. So, quite simply, I'll just say "Thank you, Jasia."

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New Director for Whitley County Historical Museum

Talk of the Town has a nice article on Dani Tippmann, the new director of the Whitley County Historical Museum. As a descendant of Tecumwah, who was a sister of Chief Little Turtle, her roots run deep in Whitley County, Indiana.

An article was also recently posted about the retirement of Ruth Kirk from that position this past January.

Talk of the Town is a blog written by Jennifer Zartman Romano that emphasizes the "good news" about the Columbia City community.

Whenever I went to the Museum, Ruth always had a smile on her face and a funny joke to share. She was a joy to work with on the few projects I was able to help with in the last couple of years. It was fun to see her portrayal of various "characters" of the county in the programs she produced. Ruth will definitely be missed and we thank her for her 19 productive years with the Museum!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Elusive Ancestors? Nope, Martians!

Blame this on Terry Thornton. . . who has issued a blogger-poetry challenge.

A Hoosier gal had a blog, she called it Kinexxions.
Searching for ancestors was one of her passions.
She dreamed of travel and of crossing the oceans.
Family history and stories she did try to write.
But alas, all was for naught, sources she could not cite.
It seems those elusive missing ancestors may be Martians!

But that don't hold a candle to Janice Brown's There Once Was A Gal from New Hampshire...

She has really outdone herself this time! Again.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Hoffman Family in Roann Cemetery

Located in Wabash County, Indiana one mile north of Roann on the east side of County Road 700W near CR 700N, the Roann Community Cemetery was formerly known as the I. O. O. F. Cemetery and even earlier as the Paw Paw Cemetery. There are four sections separated by roads that lead to a circle in the center of the cemetery. The markers for the family of Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman are in Rows 13 and 14, in the north west section. As discovered in her obituary, Eliza was the daughter of Peter and Christina Wise, whom I believe are also the parents of Jacob Wise, my 3rd Great Grandfather.

The Hoffman marker in the foreground is that of Dayton Hoffman, to the right is the one for his daughter Helen. And to the right of hers is the one for Eliza and Anthony Hoffman. Behind and to the left of Eliza's marker is her daughter Ella Hoffman. And to the left of Helen is the marker for Effie and John Wertenberger. The large stone facing the road is the Gidley family monument. This picture was taken towards the end of my time in the cemetery and the rain was coming down in a steady stream instead of just drizzling, as it had been earlier in the day. Photographs taken on February 5, 2008 by Becky Wiseman.

The east face of the marker for Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman.

ELLA HOFFMAN / 1870 - 1918
Note: Ella was the daughter of Eliza and Anthony Hoffman. This stone is north of the Gidley marker and between the Hoffman and Wertenberger markers.

This is a huge monument, one of the biggest I've ever seen. Placed so that it faces the roadway that leads into the cemetery, it can't be missed. Which was a plus for me since it was one of the grave markers for which I was looking. The Gidley monument stands about seven feet in height, about five feet wide, and the base is more than 2 feet deep. Jennie Gidley was the daughter of Eliza Jane Wise and Anthony Hoffman. In the plots behind this stone are the markers for Eliza Wise Hoffman and her children.

The inscription on the south face of the Gidley monument:
ARAM GIDLEY / DIED / MAR. 5, 1923 / AGED / 79 Y. 8 M. 24 D.
JENNIE M. / WIFE OF / A. T. GIDLEY / DIED / AUG. 5, 1914 / AGED / 41 Y. 2 M. 7 D.

The inscription on the North face: W. W. GIDLEY / 1898 - 1974
EMMA / WIFE OF / A. T. GIDLEY / DIED / JUNE 1, 1892 / AGED 40 Y. 8 M. 18 D.
Note: Emma was Aram Gidley's first wife. Jennie Hoffman was his second wife.

at left: On the west side of the marker is the name WERTENBERGER.
On the east side: JOHN / 1853 - 1920 / EFFIE / 1866 - 1944

at right: On the west side of the marker is the name HOFFMAN.
On the east side: DAYTON / 1884 - 1940 / MARY / 1858 - 1905
Note: The year of birth for Dayton is not correct. He was born in 1864, not 1884.

HELEN O. HOFFMAN / 1892 - 1965
Note: Helen is the daughter of Dayton Hoffman.