
Monday, February 18, 2008

The iGene Awards have arrived at the Carnival

Jasia has posted the Carnival of Genealogy, 42nd Edition over at Creative Gene. The topic for the February 18, 2008 edition is iGene Awards 2007! And the 23 participants are now the founding members of the Academy of Genealogy and Family History. I'm not sure what all that entails, but it sure sounds impressive ;-) Thanks, Jasia.

There were five categories and each AGFH member selected at least one post from the past year that they considered to be their best each of the categories. This was an opportunity to highlight those "special" posts from 2007 and the selections certainly cover a wide spectrum.

And, Jasia has issued a call for submissions for next carnival:
The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy will be: Technology. What technology do you most rely on for your genealogy and family history research? Select one piece of hardware (besides your computer), one piece of software (besides your internet browser), and one web site/blog (besides your own) that are indispensable to you. Resist the urge to dilute the impact of your 3 choices by mentioning several others you use and appreciate as well. This is an exercise in appraising the technology you use/recommend the most.

The deadline for submissions is March 1st. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.

1 comment:

Jasia said...

Thanks for promoting the COG Becky! It's always appreciated :-)

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Becky Wiseman - -

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