
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Tip of the Hat

There is no date on this photograph, but it has been identified as Carrie Alexander. It was taken at the Siegel Cooper photo studio in Chicago. The Siegel, Cooper & Co. discount department store was established in 1887. [1]

Caroline Jane Alexander, known as Carrie, was born November 18, 1868 in Washington Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana. Carrie was a sister of my Great-Grandmother Amanda Minerva Alexander Wiseman. Carrie married John Franklin Roath on July 8, 1884 and they had three daughters: Jessie, Leah, and Ruby. My grandparents, Charles and Elsie Shuder Wiseman, would name two of their daughters Jessie and Leah. Prior to 1900 they moved to Anderson, Indiana and later to Dayton, Ohio. Carrie and John would divorce and Carrie would later marry Perry Martin Comfort. One of my dad's brothers was named Perry Martin Comfort Wiseman! Carrie Alexander Roath Comfort died in 1930 in Dayton, Ohio.

[1] Chicago History Website

footnoteMaven has a list of other bloggers who have posted on the topic that was started by Laura Crawley with her post From The Ministry Of Silly Hats.


Jasia said...

What an extraordinary photo! I love the hat of course but Carrie's gown is beautiful too. She was quite a stunning lady!

Thomas MacEntee said...

What a great photo! Have you tried to guesstimate a date? I am in the same boat on some photos and while I have the name of the subject and that helps narrow that date into a window, I wish there was a better way to do it.

And thanks for the Chicago Historical Society link - it is a super place and perfect for out-of-towners to visit and get a handle on the history of the "city with broad shoulders."

Lidian said...

What a splendid hat! And a lovely photograph, not a bit silly at all.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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