
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Genea-Blogger featured...Congratulations, Miriam!

Miriam Robbins Midkiff of AnceStories: The Stories of My Ancestors is featured in a post at Inside Google Book Search! The post, which includes a two-minute video, tells how Miriam uses Google Book Search to "help illuminate her understanding of her own ancestors" highlighting, among other finds, Alice Teddy, the world-famous roller-skating bear.

The video is very nice. Well done, Miriam!

Too bad they didn't include a link to her blog. . . [image above is a print-screen from the video]


Jasia said...

Thanks for letting us know about Miriam's video Becky! I never would have known about it otherwise.

Miriam did a great job with the video didn't she? She's so composed and articulate... a true professional!

Miriam Robbins said...

Thanks for highlighting this, Becky! I had no idea they would run it. The interview took place last January, and I thought maybe Google decided not to run it (I didn't hear back from them after the interview).

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Becky Wiseman - -

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