
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - facebook

first impressions


Anonymous said...


Good one! Oh, wait, should I be writing this on your WALL instead? I'm so CONFUSED!!


Becky Wiseman said...

Amen to that! Thanks Donna. Though if the image is made up of words, is it still a "wordless" post? LOL. And facebook has me blocked right now so I can't respond to notifications, messages or open up a post without getting a "terrifying" message that says if I continue my account could be removed! And all I did was invite about half a dozen people to be friends with me. Aaarrrgghhh.

Valorie said...

It can be confusing. Just use what is useful, and leave the rest until later -- if ever. Nobody has to use all parts of the service!

Thanks for the great image.

Terry Thornton said...

Becky, I'm speechless -- and it is Thursday and you did this on wordless Wednesday. LOL! What an excellent word graphic.

Good show --- so you too were blogsmacked into bloggobblehood with GB on FB? See my Five Step Plan --- I was completely out of it until I started my five steps. By the time I got through four, I was back in control. Try it. Steps and some specific directions are at the new Bootcamp for GBers on FB.


Lori Thornton said...

Congratulations! You've just been awarded a Blogging Friends Forever award.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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