
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Blogging Friends Forever

Look! A Meme! The BFF (Blogging Friends Forever) meme is being passed around in the genea-blogosphere and I'm honored to have been tagged by Lori Thornton at Smoky Mountain Family Historian.

The rules of this Meme are:
  • Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award.
  • 4 of them followers of your blog.
  • One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
  • You must link back to who ever gave you the award.
Lori tagged me two days so I apologize in advance if any of you have already been tagged. . .

  • Amy [last name unknown] states that We Tree is "my way of talking about genealogy and family history without boring the family." I don't know if Amy reads kinexxions or not but I found her through Chris Dunham's Genealogy Blog Finder and have been enjoying reading her preparations for a research trip to Arkansas.

  • M. Diane Rogers at CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt' has been blogging about genealogy since February 2005 but I didn't find her until this year! Better late than never. Diane is always a good read.

  • Donna Pointkouski at What’s Past is Prologue is a "new" blogger on the scene this year but is an old hand at writing on the subject of genealogy and family research. Be sure to click on her "My Articles" tab for a look at what she has written for publication, some of which are available for downloading.

  • Denise Olson at Moultrie Creek (her family/genealogy blog) and Family Matters (where she provides Tech Support for the Family Historian) does an amazing job presenting all those "tech" options to those of us who are technologically challenged and the stories of her family are always interesting. Denise has a series of research Guides available for downloading on her Guides tab.

  • Stephen Danko, writing at Steve's Genealogy Blog, is doing an awesome job of 'Documenting the Search for his Family History.' If you have Polish Roots, this is one blog you don't want to miss. And even if you don't have Polish Roots it is still a great read!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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