
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Henry and Ann Robison :: Probable Children

The first post of this series on the Robison/Robinson Families of Whitley County, Indiana presented what was known about Henry Robison and his wife Ann(a). Census records indicate that they may have had eight children.

1830 Mad River Township , Champaign County, Ohio page 35 [surname indexed on ancestry as Rolison]
Henry Robison, head of household
Males: 0-0-1-0-0-1-0-0
Females: 2-1-1-0-1-0-0-0
  • 1 male 10-14 [1816-1820... James was born about 1816]
  • 1 male 30-39 [1791-1800... Henry was born about 1794]
  • 2 females under 5 [1826-1830... Eliza was born in 1828 + one unknown]
  • 1 female 5-9 [1821-1825... Lydia was born in 1825]
  • 1 female 10-14 [1816-1820... unknown]
  • 1 female 20-29 [1801-1810... ? the age is not right for Anna, who was born about 1794 and would be about 36 years old. Could Anna be Henry's 2nd wife? Or did the enumerator just mark her in the wrong column?]
1840 Harrison Township , Champaign County, Ohio page 316
Henry Robinson, head of household. Three other Robinson families are enumerated on the same page: Ralph, Wm, and Rosseter.
Males: 0-1-0-0-1-0-1
Females: 1-1-2-2-0-0-1
  • 1 male 5-9 [1831-1835... Henry, Jr. was born in 1833]
  • 1 male 20-29 [1811-1820... James was born about 1816]
  • 1 male 40-49 [1791-1800... Henry was born about 1794]
  • 1 female under 5 [1836-1840... unknown]
  • 1 female 5-9 [1831-1835... Emily was born about 1835]
  • 2 females 10-14 [1826-1830... Eliza was born in 1828 + one unknown, was under 5 in 1840]
  • 2 females 15-19 [1821-1825... Lydia was born in 1825 + one unknown, could be the 10-14 year old in 1840]
  • 1 female 40-49 [1791-1800... Anna was born about 1794]
1850 no township listed, Whitley County, Indiana page 461
  • Henry Robison, 56, farmer, Real Estate valued at $500, born Pennsylvania
  • Ann, 56, born Pennsylvania
  • Eliza J., 22, born Ohio
  • Henry, 17, born Ohio
  • Emily, 15, born Ohio
  • Elizabeth Cormicle [?], 10, born Ohio
Three children are named in Henry's will dated August 8, 1851 and the same three children were also mentioned in a deed record dated August 15, 1855 where Ann and the children were selling land in Whitley County, Indiana. The children named were Eliza Jane, Henry, and Emily.

Based on that information and the above census records, the possible/probable/known children of Henry and Ann Robison are:
  • James Robison born about 1816 (possible son - 1830 & 1840 census)
  • Unknown female born 1816-1820 (1830 & 1840 census)
  • Lydia Robison was born in 1825 (probable daughter - 1830 & 1840 census)
  • Unknown female born 1826-1830 (1830 & 1840 census)
  • Eliza Robison born about 1828 (known daughter - 1830, 1840 & 1850 census)
  • Henry Robison Jr. was born in 1833 (known son - 1840 & 1850 census)
  • Emily Robison born about 1835 (known daughter - 1840 & 1850 census)
  • Unknown female born 1836-1840 (1840 census)
Future posts will present what is known about James, Eliza, Henry Jr. and Emily. I've already written about Lydia Robison who married Lysander Price Joslin in 1843. They are my 3rd great grandparents. Lydia is listed as a "probable" daughter of Henry and Ann based upon the caption written on the back of a photograph of Henry Jr. and his wife.

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