
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Christian Phend Family Photographs

Christian and Mary Emily "Mollie" (McConnell) Phend, date unknown.

The family of Christian Phend and Mary McConnell. Probably taken sometime in 1907 (the youngest child in the picture, Dwight Rhoades, was born January 30, 1905).
two men in the back: Frank Wehrly and Delvin Phend
middle row: Waldo Phend, Harry Phend, Hattie (Phend) Rhoades, Grover Phend, John Rhoades holding his son Dwight, and Clarence Phend
front row: Ivy (Phend) Wehrly, Belle Phend, Clifford Phend, Christian Phend, Mary Phend, Mary McConnell Phend, and Helen Rhoades.

Christian Phend and his sons, taken at the same time as the previous picture, sometime in 1907. Seated in front are Harry, Clifford and Grover. Standing in back are Waldo, Delvin, Christian, and Clarence.

Location of original photographs is not known. These are digital copies of copies of copies! The quality is not the best in the bottom two; the texture of the print shows up in the scanned copy. As always, click on the images to view a larger version.

Related post: Where's Waldo? (subtitled "Go ahead, Make My Day")


Anonymous said...

Delvin Phend is my great grandfather, which makes Christian my great-great grandfather. My great grandpa was a wonderful man, who always seemed to be working with his hands. He has two surviving daughters, Elda and Velma(my grandmother), while my grandma is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, my Godmother Elda still lives independently and enjoys her life every day. I love them all. Hi everyone! Love, Stephanie Pickering Mount Vernon, WA

Becky Wiseman said...

Hi Stephanie,

I visited your grandmother's sister, Irma Ray and Janice Crow during the summer of 1985 when they were living in Monticello, Iowa. If your grandmother and Elda are anything at all like Irma and Janice then they are indeed lovely people!

I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother has Alzheimer's. It is a terrible, insidious thing, to say the least.

If you are interested in corresponding, please send me an email at

Several other branches of Christian's family settled in the Seattle area and I'll be visiting with some of them in a few weeks...

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