
Sunday, November 09, 2008

Time out for some R & R

I'm back. But then, y'all didn't know I was gone, did ya?

Last Sunday (11/02) I left for a visit with my Joslin cousins in Springfield, Missouri (Ruth said I needed to take a break from scanning!) and arrived there mid-morning on Monday. I had planned on having more posts scheduled for last week but quite simply ran out of time before I left. (That little jaunt to Huntington County didn't help any with time management!) While I was gone I kept up with email but not with blog reading. Over 500 posts (not all of them genealogy) awaited my perusal when I returned home Friday night. Finally got caught up with them on Saturday, in between several loads of laundry.

The weather was beautiful all week, except for a bit of rain on Thursday and clouds on Friday. On the way back, at St. Louis I took I64 south across Illinois stopping just past Evansville, Indiana for the night. Friday morning I followed the "scenic" route along the Ohio River through Indiana to Vevay and Switzerland County. It was really pretty, though the ups-downs and twists-turns of the narrow roads was a bit unnerving at times. There was a little bit of color left in the few remaining trees that still bore leaves.

In Switzerland County, I visited the McKay Cemetery where my Bray and Wiseman ancestors are buried. On previous visits, years ago, I had taken pictures with a film camera but really wanted digital photos - originals, not scanned. Upon my arrival at the cemetery, the clouds had returned to block out the sun. But, just as I was about to leave, the sun broke through the clouds and I got some nicer shots. Four hours later, I was home, safe and sound.

It was a pleasant trip spent in the company of some very nice people!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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