
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Being Sick Just Plain Sucks...

And I don't like it!! Since last Sunday (February 1st) I've been experiencing varying degrees of abdominal pain (from just annoying to downright awful) as well as fever, chills and other non-fun things. It's been amazing to me how many hours of the day one can consume with sleeping!

I finally got in to see the doctor Friday afternoon and went in for a CT Scan that evening. They have ruled out appendicitis and diverticulitis, which is good, but that means they still don't know what is causing the problem. I'll be scheduled for an ultrasound on Monday so hopefully will know more then.

The doctor prescribed pain medication to "get me through the weekend" but it makes me sick. So I'll have to decide which is worse, the pain or the nausea and vomiting. Yuck. I'm going to try taking half of a pill and see what happens.

Obviously, I haven't been keeping up with my blog reading and the number of unread posts continues to grow with each day. Something to look forward to, eh? Sitting at my computer desk makes the pain worse, even with the medication, and about ten minutes at a time is the most I can stand it.

Regular posting will resume in the (hopefully not too distant) future. In the meantime, feel free to explore the archives here at kinexxions (at the bottom of the right sidebar) or visit some of the other fine blogs listed in the right sidebar.

*** Update 10:00 a.m. Thursday, February 12, 2009 ***
Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. They are truly appreciated. The ultrasound that I had on Monday afternoon showed that I have a "rather large" fibroid tumor that is causing the pain as well as some pressure on other organs. Yesterday morning I met with another doctor and he scheduled surgery for Wednesday morning, February 25th. The abdominal pain subsides but never completely goes away and it is sometimes pretty intense. The pain medication is no longer making me sick, thank goodness, so it does help. Some days are better than others. Sitting upright at my desk still becomes very painful after about 10 minutes. Though I do hope to be able to post occasionally between now and the 25th, normal posting here at kinexxions won't resume for a while.


Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

I hope you are pain free and feeling great soon!

Miriam Robbins said...

Best wishes for a swift and pain-free recovery!


Oh Becky, I'm so sorry to hear about illness. Take Care, and hopefully you will began to feel better soon.

Bill West said...

Feel better soon, Becky!

Anonymous said...

Get better soon. Being sick is no fun.

geneabloggers said...

I hope you get better quick - I must have my Becky posts!

Greta Koehl said...

Best wishes for a complete and quick recovery!

Jasia said...

I hope you're feeling better soon! I can sure identify with being in pain for days... in my case it's my back!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my daughter's recent gall bladder problem, but regardless of the source of your trouble, I wish you a quick recovery.

Gini said...

Becky, I hope this ends for you real soon, I am thinking of you and wishing for you to get well soon...take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes and get better soon.

Gini said...

Becky, now that I think of it, my daughter had the same thing, CT scans, everything, but they didn't rule out salmonella, your symptons sound very close, just a thought, hope you are feeling better very soon. You are in our thoughts.

Taylorstales-Genealogy said...

Oh my goodness friend. I hope that by now the ultrasound has been done, the doctors have figured out what the problem was, and you are feeling better. Sending you warm wishes for a speedy recovery and a hug too, friends always feel better with a hug. Get well soon!

Bill West said...

I will keep a good thought for you. Meanwhile, you
rest up and take it easy as much as possible!


Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear you are not feeling well...hopefully after the 25th you'll be back to your normal blogging self. Get well soon!

Linda Hughes Hiser said...

Becky, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I, too, have not had the best February, having just been released from the hospital this week. Mine was/is a lung abcess. I am new to geneabloggers and have gotten alot of inspiration from your blogs. Hope you are back on your feet, or the keyboard, soon.

Gini said...

Becky, I am thinking of you and saying prayers, once that fibroid is removed you will feel much better, I hope you have a speedy recovery. I will watch for updates, and miss your posts. Take care of you.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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