
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

It is sooooo nice to be home! I am doing good, considering the 7" incision that was cut across my lower abdomen... I was released from the hospital on Saturday and am supposed to take it easy and not do ANYTHING except rest and recuperate for at least the next week or so. Follow up visit to the doctor is scheduled for the 16th. I was extremely relieved to find out that the tumor was benign - no cancer! Whew.

I'll be back to blogging and research soon, I hope. Thank you all for your good wishes and kind thoughts.


Thomas MacEntee said...

I am so happy it went well and you are home safe and sound!

Jasia said...

I'm so glad to hear all went well and you are back home again. There's no place like home, eh?

You've been in my prayers, Becky, and will continue to be.

Terri said...

Glad to hear things went well - I know the relief of knowing everything will be ok is huge.
Get lots of rest - and remember "no sweeping" -
that was my favorite part of surgery - LOL

wendy said...

So happy that all went well! Take it easy, rest up, no heavy lifting (aww, rats!) so you can get back to 100% soon!

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Wonderful news! I hope your recovery passes quickly.

Anonymous said...

You just relax and let everyone wait on you for a while. We'll make sure you have plenty of reading material. Keep your computer close so you can stay up-to-date on all the online happenings. Get better soon!

Greta Koehl said...

Happy to hear of the good outcome. Now you have a reason to take it totally easy. Wishing you a fast and complete recovery.

Bill West said...

Welcome home, Becky!
You take it easy and don't overdo,and
heal up fast!

Harriet said...

So glad you are home and feeling better. I'll continue to pray for your recovery.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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