
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lysander Joslin :: 1843 Marriage to Lydia Robison

Federal census records for Lysander Joslin from 1850 through 1880 consistently show that he was born in 1825 in Ohio. The 1885 and 1895 Kansas state census records provide the same information. Regarding age and place of birth, the census records for both Lysander and his wife, Lydia, are the most consistent of any of my ancestors.

Records from the family Bible of Lysander and Lydia show that they were both born in 1825 - he on May 1st and she on October 10th. When they were married he would have been 18 years and 3 months old while she was two months shy of 18.

Whitley County Marriage Records, 1st Book (1836-1847), #76 located at the County Archives, Columbia City, Indiana.

/ 76 / [written in the middle of the page in the left margin]

Sate of Indiana
Whitley County } Be it remembered that on this 21st day of August 5 AD 1843 A Marriage License was issued by the Clerk of the Whitley Circuit Court Authorizing the Marriage of Lysander Price Joslin and Lydia Robison which is in these words to wit "State of Indiana Whitley County ss. To any person legally authorized to Solemnize the rites of Marriage Greeting - you are hereby authorized and empowered to Join together as Husband and Wife Lysander Price Joslin and Lydia Robison and for so doing this shall be your warrant.
Witness Richard Collins, Clerk of the Whitley Circuit Court and the Seal thereof at Columbia this 21st day of August A.D. 1843 ~ R. Collins, Clerk

And afterward to wit on the 4th day of December AD 1843. James Grant filed in this office a Certificate of the Marriage of the parties aforesaid which is in the words following to with. "State of Indiana Whitley County } Be it remembered that on the 23rd day of August A.D. 1843 by virtue of a license from the clerk of the Whitley Circuit Court I did join in Marriage Lysander Price Joslin and Lydia Robinson as husband and wife ~

In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 4th day of December AD 1843 ~ James Grant JP

The Whitley County Historical Museum, in Columbia City, has some early marriage documents for the years 1838-1847. Along with the original marriage returns there are some affidavits (usually confirmation of age by someone who knows the bride and/or groom) and parental consents (if the bride or groom was underage). No affidavits or parental consents have been found for Lysander or Lydia.

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