
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Revolutionary Ancestors

Several of my ancestors were wounded while in service during the Revolutionary War and one was killed in battle. These men, and their families, were dedicated to the concepts of freedom and willing to give up everything to attain it. We are indebted to them and to all who have served this country!

William Alexander (4th great grandfather). Lived in the area of Cecil County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania. Enlisted July 24, 1776. By March of 1777, he was a 1st Lieutenant of the 7th Battalion of the Maryland Regulars Regiment. He served in the 5th Company. He was killed on Aug 27, 1777 on the 2nd day of battle at "Landing Head of Elk" Maryland. His son, William Washington Alexander was only six months old when his father was killed. [This information came from another researcher.]

James Ball (4th great grandfather). In his Pension claim W8336, James stated "That he, the said James Ball enlisted in 1776 in the state of Virginia. Hampshire Cty in the company commanded by Captain William Voss of the 12th Virginia Regt commanded by Col James Woods; that he continued in the service of the United States until 1779 for three years, when he was discharged from service in Frederick Town state of Maryland; that he was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown and Stoney Point - and recd two wounds at the battle of Brandywine…" When he enlisted on August 20, 1776 James Ball was 27 years old. James was married to Margaret "Peggy" Bray in 1771 and they had 11 children. They would move to what would become Owen County, Kentucky after the revolution.

Henry Bray (5th great grandfather). Henry signed the "Patriot's Oaths of Fidelity and Support" on March 16, 1778 in Washington County, Maryland. He has been accepted as a DAR patriot. File number 3185877. After the Revolution, Henry, along with many of his grown children, moved to what would become Nelson County, Kentucky.

John Bray (4th great grandfather, son of Henry Bray). At age 16, John enlisted in September 1777 at Romney, Hampshire County, Virginia. He served as a Private in Captain William Voss' Company, 12th Virginia Regiment serving alongside his brother-in-law James Ball. John was wounded during the battle of Brandywine (Delaware) and fought at Monmouth and Stoney Point. He was discharged in 1780 in Yorktown, Pennsylvania. Pension claim W4145.

Johann Heinrich "Henry" Coy/Kau/Cow/Cowe (5th great grandfather). Henry served from Washington County, Maryland and Franklin County, Pennsylvania along with his brothers Jacob and Frederick. [This information came from another researcher.]

John Goodrich (6th great grandfather). John marched for the relief of Boston in the Lexington Alarm on April 19, 1775. He also served as a Private in Capt. Hezekiah Wells' Company, Colonel Erastus Wollcotts' Regiment January-March 1776. DAR No. 592151 through Juanita (Mrs. Eugene) Beard.

Joseph Joslin (6th great grandfather). On page 125 of the "The Jocelyn-Joslin-Joslyn-Josselyn Family" (1961), Edith Wessler says that Joseph was a Lieutenant in the Revolution. On page 106 in "Blackman and Allied Families" author Alfred L. Holman says that Joseph was a Sergeant in the Revolution. Joseph's tombstone says "In memory of Lieut. Joseph Joslin..." I have not done any further research to prove or disprove these claims so if he served during the revolution, I don't know where or when or in what capacity.

Thomas Sprague (4th great grandfather). Resided at Union, Tolland County, Connecticut. Thomas served for 21 days on an expedition to Stillwater and Saratoga as a private in Capt. Christopher Banister's Company, Col. Ezra May's Regiment. He enlisted September 20, 1777 and was discharged October 5, 1777. Thomas and his family moved to Mount Vernon in what would become Knox County, Ohio. [This information came from another researcher.]

Jacob Van Keuren (6th great grandfather). Though only 15 years old at the start of the Revolution, he served in the Fourth Regiment from Ulster County, New York. A brother, Hendricus Jr, was killed in 1777 while serving in the same regiment. [This information came from another researcher.]

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