
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Coastal Maine :: Part Two

Leaving Old Orchard Beach, I went south on Route 9. The sun played hide and seek with the clouds and there were intermittent rain showers. It was warm but windy. Several stops were made, including Kennebunkport. The area was bustling with people everywhere. Tour buses filled the parking lots. Shops were open. Cars lined the streets. It was a striking contrast from Old Orchard Beach.

After parking at Kennebunk Beach, I sat in the van for a few minutes and another car pulled in beside me. When I finally got out, the lady in that car asked if I was enjoying my trip from Indiana. They were also from Indiana but had retired to Kennebunk last year. When she asked what part of Indiana I was from, I just said Northern Indiana, which as it turned out, is where they were from also. Near Fort Wayne she said. Then I told them I had recently lived in Albion but that my mother was from Larwill and living in Columbia City. I think her jaw dropped to the floor! When she recovered, she said that her husband, sitting next to her, had been born in Columbia City! She told me their last name, which I recognized because Mom had often talked about one of the guys in her class with the same name. The gentleman sitting in the car said he was a distant relative of mom's classmate. I think it is pretty amazing that I've run into two couples from the Columbia City area so far. It certainly is a small world!

Kennebunk Beach was quite impressive, primarily because of the magnificent clouds left behind by the morning rain storms.

Above: Kennebunk Beach, Maine - looking North.

Above and below: Kennebunk Beach,Maine - looking South.

I can only hope that the people living there realize just how fortunate they are!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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