
Thursday, April 22, 2010

California :: Sierra Madre and Highway One

On March 31st , with an offer from Kathryn Doyle to “hang out for a few days” and the opportunity to meet with a few fellow genea-bloggers, I changed directions and headed north towards Oakland.

Rather than take the same road back north, I traveled one of my favorite routes – Highway 33 from Ventura through Ojai and the Los Padres National Forest in the Sierra Madre Mountains. Then connecting to Highway 166 and back to the Coast Highway.

The Sierra Madre Mountains as seen from near Pine Mountain Summit. Elevation was more than 5,000 feet.

I spent the night at Montaña De Oro State Park just south of Morro Bay. It was another windy day and the surf was incredible. This park has a lot to offer – scenery, trails, wildflowers - and I would have liked to spend more time there – perhaps another day... gorgeous.

One of the wildflowers found along the bluff trail.

1 comment:

Kathryn Doyle said...

Gorgeous photos, as usual! We're all so glad you came north. Hope you are having good weather and staying warm.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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