
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Greetings from... Utah!

It is a gray, gloomy morning with a mix of rain and snow, and fog. Not complaining, just saying. The past 12 days have been absolutely beautiful, filled with blue skies and sunshine. The weather couldn't have been better!

The view as I was leaving Zion National Park this morning.

Earlier last week.

After leaving Chiricahua National Monument on the morning of April 28th I headed north towards Utah. The thought was in the back of my mind that perhaps I could make it to Salt Lake City for at least one or two days of the NGS Conference. In the end, that didn't happen and I missed a great opportunity to renew friendships and meet other geneabloggers. But I am planning on attending the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree in June!

Zion National Park (in southwest Utah) is an incredible place! A big differences between Zion and the Grand Canyon (aside from the obvious one of size) is that at Zion you begin the hikes in the Canyon and go up first. I think I like that better, but coming down isn't always that easy either! Amazing trails. Beautiful weather. Fantastic people. All added up to a great time at Zion!


Barbara Poole said...

Becky, it looks like you are on our time frame now. Ah, Utah my 2nd most favorite state. Hope you have pictures to share, but if not, I'll send you some of mine! Can't wait to see where you are going next, maybe Bryce? So fun following you.

Lori H said...

Becky, it's beautiful. You must be having the best time! Thanks for sharing these.

Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith said...

Love the photos!
We'll be in the southern Utah mountains in two weeks. Our oldest daughter and her husband live on Boulder Mtn, near Teasdale! Be there a couple of weeks.
Congratulations on Top 100 Recognition!

Bill ;-)
Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
and "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"

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Becky Wiseman - -

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