
Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day.

Memorial Day. A day set aside to commemorate those who died while in military service to their country. My country.

Among the many who have given their lives for our country are two of my ancestors:
  • William Alexander (4th great grandfather). Lived in the area of Cecil County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania. He enlisted July 24, 1776 and by March of 1777, he was a 1st Lieutenant of the 7th Battalion of the Maryland Regulars Regiment, serving in the 5th Company. He was killed on Aug 27, 1777 on the 2nd day of battle at "Landing Head of Elk" Maryland.
  • Jacob Wise (3rd great grandfather). Was drafted and mustered in on October 5th 1864, at Kendallville, Indiana. He served as a Private in Company "C" of the 30th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers. His widow's pension application states "and having served Honestly and Faithfully with his Company to the present date, is now entitled to a Discharge by reason of Death in Hospital at Nashville, Tenn. on May 17, 1865 of chronic diarrhea." Widow's Pension Application 101.119. On April 28, 2007 Jacob was inducted as a part of the Charter Member Class into the Society of Civil War Families of Indiana, a program sponsored by the Indiana Genealogical Society.
In May of 2007, I posted a list of The Veterans in My Family, which included immediate family members and ancestors. In November 2008 were added three more lists of extended family who have served from the War of 1812 through Vietnam. Links to those three lists are at the bottom of the May 2007 post. It is an honor to publish the names of these people who are, in some way, related to me. It is an honor to be related to them. I thank them, from the bottom of my heart, for their service and their sacrifices.

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