
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zion National Park

The first full day at Zion, I played tourist. I walked along the 1.7 mile fairly level, paved Pa'rus Trail that follows the Virgin River through the Zion Canyon. I hopped on the shuttle bus and got off and on at every stop along the way to the end of the line. Then I walked along the River Trail for another mile or two and a few hours later, caught the shuttle bus ride back to the campground. It was a gorgeous, relaxing day and I enjoyed every moment of it.

The view from the valley floor, midway along the Pa'rus Trail.

The peak known as "The Watchman" towers over the Lower Canyon. The Virgin River flows through the canyon and over thousands of years has helped create this marvelous place.

The wind-whipped water from one of the waterfalls in the Upper Canyon.

A grove of trees in the Upper Canyon area, caught in the fleeting rays of sunshine.

The view from my campsite, near sunset.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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