
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Greetings from California – Again!

It was a roundabout route, but I made it back to California on June 5th and have been visiting with my first cousin, David, who lives in Southern California. The last time I saw Dave was in the spring of 1992 when the company I worked for sent me to Los Angeles for some computer training. He said I don't come to see him very often! But I've seen him every year I've been to California since he moved out here! Anyway, it has been great seeing Dave again after all these years!

And now, I'm going to Jamboree! I'm so excited that I'll be able to meet some of my fellow genea-bloggers. Of course I'm planning to attend "a few" of the sessions too! It's not my first conference but it will be my first Jamboree. I remember last year wishing I could be there. It looked like everyone was having so much fun and I'll admit to being a little envious, but not this year 'cause I'll be there!

After Jamboree, I'll play “ketchup” with a few posts on where I was during the last week of May and the first week of June... Coral Pink Sand Dunes (again!), the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Lee's Ferry, Lake Powell. No big adventures though; mostly just taking is easy.


TALON said...

Becky, I have really enjoy your blog. I just recently started a blog of my own ( and I think those that read my blog may also be interested in yours. So, I have added a link to your blog on my blog. I hope this is okay. If not, let me know.

Sheri Fenley said...

Oh I am so jealous! You know what? The Wiggles are 4 gay guys from Austrailia who sing kiddie songs and behave foolishly. Yeah for me! Tell everyone I said hi!

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The ability to comment has been turned off for all blog posts effective 21 May 2018. Kinexxions has been inactive for more than two years and most comments have come to me directly via email from readers but more than a few were simply spam. My desire is to keep the blog available to the public since there is value in what has been published, particularly posts dealing with family history.

I am still extremely interested in hearing from readers who might be related and have questions or simply want contact with a distant cousin. Please contact me directly via email at

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Becky Wiseman - -

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