
Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's Over...

This weekend has been fantastic! I've had the bestest time ever meeting genea-bloggers as well as other genealogists and even attending a few sessions! It's been such a great time, I really didn't want it to end. I think many of us felt that way.

Thank you to the Geneabloggers Swag Bag Team of Amy Coffin, Thomas MacEntee, Joan Miller, and Denise Levenik for putting together a wonderful assortment of items for us. Another thank you goes to the Sponsors for providing that swag!

I'll post additional photos and more information in the very near future. Thanks to everyone for an absolutely amazing time!!!!

in front: Miriam Midkiff (AnceStories), fM (footnoteMaven and Shades of the Departed), Becky Wiseman
the others: Kathryn Doyle (California, Cheryl Palmer (Heritage Happens), Denise Levenik (The Family Curator), Elyse Doerflinger (Elyse's Genealogy Blog).

Thomas MacEntee (Destination Austin Family and Geneabloggers), Joan Miller (Luxegen Genealogy), Becky Wiseman, Randy Seaver (Genea-Musings), Miriam Midkiff (AnceStories), Craig Manson (GeneaBlogie), and Susan Kitchens (Family Oral History).


Gini said...

It was a pleasure to meet you and experience the Jamboree together. What a wonderful weekend we all had at the Jamboree.

Be safe in your travels and take care.

Sheri Fenley said...

See I told you it would be a great adventure! Hey, Burbank is only a 5 hours drive you can drive back up here and visit! LOL

TK said...

Fun to see the pix from this event, Becky, thanks for sharing!

Denise Levenick said...

I am so glad we met at last. Now you will have to be a Jambo-ree-regular!

my Heritage Happens said...

So glad to have met you finally Becky! Thanks for being a fantastic room mate!

Amy Coffin, MLIS said...

Such a pleasure meeting you. I can check another genealogy celebrity off my "to meet" list. Safe travels, wherever they lead.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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