
Monday, June 28, 2010

Horseshoe Bend

A mile or so south of Page, Arizona the Colorado River navigates around a horseshoe bend. There is a 3/4 mile trek through the sand, up and down a hill, to get to the overlook, but it is well worth the effort. I went there twice.

The first visit was late in the evening before the sun set. The overlook faces west so the sun was directly behind the bend.

The river and the rocks, highlighted by the lowering sun.

The early morning light gives it a completely different look.

As the kayaks and canoes were preparing to leave a beach on the bend a big motorboat passed by.

These photos were taken on June 3rd and June 4th. I left Page on the morning of the 4th for Southern California to visit my cousin and to attend the Genealogy Jamboree. After Jamboree I spent two days on the coast near Point Mugu and Ventura (no photos, gloomy, foggy, but still nice) then ventured into the central part of the state...


Carol said...

All photos are winners, but, number 2 here, is breathtaking! Wonderful! When I get my breath back, I might think of some additionl descriptive terms, for now, WOW, will have to suffice.

Lori H said...

I agree that photo number 2 is my favorite! What an incredible place to experience!

Greta Koehl said...

These are absolutely amazing - love the beautiful interplay of colors and textures.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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