
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Off the Grid...

It had been my intention to get blog posts written and scheduled regarding my whereabouts prior to the Jamboree. However, I haven't had wifi access since Monday morning! I'm out in the middle of nowhere in central California and am headed for even more remoteness. Right now I'm at an itsy bitsy library and they don't have wifi so I can't upload any photos but I am able to check my google mail on their computer. Also, they have facebook blocked!!! Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still around... and will continue posting when I get access.


Jennifer said...

I understand. My sister lives in the middle of nowhere in central California. Are you by any chance near Williams? I don't know how she lives in such remoteness. It would drive me crazy to have to drive 40 miles to get to a decent grocery store.

my Heritage Happens said...

Always nice to hear you are ok! Thanks for keeping us posted, have to keep track of you now!

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The ability to comment has been turned off for all blog posts effective 21 May 2018. Kinexxions has been inactive for more than two years and most comments have come to me directly via email from readers but more than a few were simply spam. My desire is to keep the blog available to the public since there is value in what has been published, particularly posts dealing with family history.

I am still extremely interested in hearing from readers who might be related and have questions or simply want contact with a distant cousin. Please contact me directly via email at

This action is also being taken partially due to the General Data Protection Regulation aka "GDPR" going into effect on 25 May 2018. Even though it is a regulation implemented by the European Union that primarily affects businesses and corporations, it governs how data about people can be used. That includes comments left on blog posts, thus the ability to comment is no longer available.

Becky Wiseman - -

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