
Friday, July 30, 2010

On My Way... to Alaska

By the time you read this I should be in Canada on the long road to Alaska! Normally I don't post my itinerary in advance, but I'm going to take a chance and do so now.

The basic route is as follows (double-click on image for a larger version):

I will be entering Canada on Route 93 and following it north to Banff National Park and on to Jasper. On Route 16 north of Jasper I'll turn off on Highway 40, which cuts across to Grande Prairie (about 900 miles).

From Grande Prairie I'll go west to Dawson Creek, which is “Mile 0” of the Alaska Highway and take it to the official end of the road, which is Delta Junction, Alaska (another 1,390 miles).

I have no idea what internet access there will be along the way. I've been told that many campgrounds have wifi – I can only hope that they do! I'll check-in with at least a short post whenever possible...


Barbara Poole said...

Great idea showing the map, now we can follow along. Oh, can't wait to see pictures of Banff, always wanted to go. Enjoy and stay safe.

GrannyPam said...

Safe journey. We loved our short time in Alaska, and I know you will love it, too.

Sue said...

Can't wait to see you! Have fun driving and exploring.

Anonymous said...

We were in Banff National Park in May. Lake Louise is breathtaking (and was still frozen in May). I am so envious of your journey. Alaska is the only state I've never been in, so it's on my bucket list. Will enjoy seeing your pictures. Tell Sue and Fred hi for me when you see them. Babs

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Becky Wiseman - -

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