
Friday, July 23, 2010

Where the Buffalo Roam...

Sure, they are “domesticated” Buffalo, being raised on a ranch, but they still roam...

Their manners and actions reminded me of once, a long time ago, when I stopped to photograph some cows back in Indiana. Apparently cows and buffalo are both curious creatures; they kept coming closer and closer.

So close that I could have reached out and touched them...

Momma was very protective of her calf.

Photos taken in south-central Montana on July 22, 2010


Barbara Poole said...

Very nice pictures and it looks like a perfect day for you and the buffalo to eat that green grass.

Carol said...

Amazing photo and animals. WOW!

Greta Koehl said...

Great pictures! They remind me of the highland cattle in Scotland - whenever we would stop and get out of the car to take pictures, as soon as they heard my voice they would trot over to me - expecting food, I think.

Cheri Hopkins said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing. The buffalo and the scenic background are beautiful.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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