
Saturday, August 21, 2010

But now they only block the sun...

Sunday morning (August 15th) I woke up early and was just lying in my cot looking out the window when I noticed the sky getting brighter. Then when I looked toward the eastern sky it was filled with a beautiful pink and orange glow. I quickly changed clothes, grabbed the camera and walked to Land's End on the tip of the Homer Spit.

6:09 am

6:12 am

6:18 am

6:20 am

6:22 am

6:40 am

The colors began to fade as the sun started to make its appearance. I say “started” because the lower bank of clouds/fog quickly grew and the sun was hidden for yet another day.

I've cropped off the bottom portion of all photos except for one because that part didn't really add anything to the beauty and simplicity of the clouds and the colors.

The title of this post comes from the song Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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