
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Watson Lake :: Sign Post Forest

In 1942 a homesick G.I. (Carl K. Lindley of Danville, Illinois) “planted” the first sign pointing the way to his hometown along with the mileage. Lindley was assigned to Company D, 341st Engineers while working on the Alaska Highway at Watson Lake, Yukon Territory (now Milepost 635).

Others soon followed his lead. As of July 2009 over 67,000 signs were on display and more are still being added. Today, the Town of Watson Lake maintains the site, erecting more posts as they are needed.

Nappanee – one of the ancestral homes of my Phend and Yarian ancestors! Of course, I can't be sure that this sign refers to the town in Indiana, but I think it does!

I've been to Pahrump NV! Some people get very creative – notice the variety of “signs” posted.

Sign Post Forest photos taken on August 3, 2010.

Since leaving Dawson Creek, the scenery along the Alaska Highway hasn't changed much. Long steep downgrades/upgrades followed by stretches of curving/winding highway - lined with pine trees most of the way, which restricts the distant views. Every once in a while you'll get a nice view of a lake, a river, or a mountain top. Enticing you with possibilities... The weather hasn't been great for pretty pictures - white/gray, overcast skies much of the time.

This was about 35 miles west of Dawson Creek. Mile after mile after mile after mile...(taken mid-afternoon on August 2, 2010)

At the time this was posted, I was at the Library in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, at about Milepost 885 on the Alaska Highway and about 300 miles to the Customs border station at Port Alcan. Another day of driving and I'll be in Alaska!


Terri said...

Oh my gosh I was so surprised to see a sign right in the middle of photo #3 for Linden Grove, MN. This is the town my husband grew up in and lived until he was in his 30's. How cool is that - hope you don't mind I'm going to share your blog with my friends and family in Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Sue and Fred are not far behind. They just posted their pictures of the sign post forest today :). Am so enjoying your trip through your pictures but am so envious. I am determined to get to Alaska someday and have all 50 states! Have fun! Babs

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Becky Wiseman - -

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