
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mount Rainier :: Perfect Timing!

Tuesday, September 14th - - It was mid-morning when I finally entered the southwestern side of Mount Rainier National Park. The morning had not been hopeful, awakening to cloudy skies once again. But luck was with me and as I drove toward the park the sun appeared and burned away the clouds. Quite a welcome change from my previous visit of a week ago, which was basically a drive-thru since I couldn't see anything at all due to the clouds, the fog, and the rain!

I forget the name of this creek but it was only a few miles into the park and it was the first view I had of Mt Rainier. Breathtaking.

This is a little further into the park. When the roads were constructed through the park the engineers took into account the “viewing pleasure” of the public and I must say they did an excellent job in selecting the sites for the viewpoints.

A couple of close-ups of the top of the mountain.

Probably the most visited area of the park is in the south-central part. It was about 12:30 in the afternoon when I arrived in Paradise and, as you can see, the clouds had moved in. I spent some time in the visitors center at Paradise - looked at the exhibits, viewed the park movie, then looked through the telescopes and saw three climbers halfway up the mountain.

The mountain played peek-a-boo with the clouds, but they eventually completely blocked out the view. I joined some of the other visitors on a short walk along one of the many trails in the area.

Mount Rainier and me!


Sheri Fenley said...


I want you to know that I have been following your trip everyday since you left my house. Alaska! Those icebergs were so cool (pun intended :))

You know . . . the Family History Expo is just a couple of weeks away - October 8 and 9 in Pleasanton. 2 days.

I'm just saying . . .

Susan A. Kitchens said...

Love it!!!

Seeing the modern day version of settings of Rainier is cool. I've been looking at them through an old, old album (grandma's, era: 1923). Nice to get full-saturation color this time around.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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