
Friday, October 29, 2010

Everything is Okay...

Just wanted to let "everyone" know that I'm okay and so is "everything" else. I'll probably be here in Indiana for another week. Have been visiting friends and family and pretty much enjoying myself. Relaxing. Doing what needs to be done. No research, yet. Might get a little of that in next week though.

I'm staying with friends Cindy and Bill. Good people. Great friends. Bill and son Ben were the ones that made the cot "platform" for the van (more than a year ago!). Bill and son Sherm have helped with a little remodeling... the cot is outa there! They have built a plywood bed for me. It's the same size as the cot and it used the existing platform as its base. With a 5" memory foam mattress it should be REALLY comfortable. I laid down on it for a while yesterday to "test" it and nearly fell asleep in just a few minutes. Oh, sooooo nice! And their help is greatly appreciated.

Since I had to take everything out of the van so they could construct the bed, I'm taking it as an opportunity to sort and reorganize my stuff (again). I got it pared down pretty good while in Montana (before going to Alaska) but there are still a few things that I don't need to haul around anymore. And the van will get a good cleaning too.

Tomorrow I'm going to an all-day genealogy seminar with friends Cindy and Susan (stayed at her place in Montana last July) in Elkhart and am looking forward to that.

Weather has been pretty good here except for high winds and severe storms on Tuesday and high winds on Wednesday. Pleasant temperatures and sunny skies just can't be beat!

No decision yet on where I'm going next... it will be in a southerly direction though!


Elizabeth O'Neal said...

Glad to hear that all is well and you're doing fine! Stay safe out there!

Carol said...

Wahhooo for the bed!! Totally relate to the cleaning and re-organizing. Tana is getting the same treatment, Big Butt needs some too. Enjoy the seminar! Love Elkhart!!

GrannyPam said...

Glad all is well, I am very much enjoying your traveling tales.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Hope the bed makes your future travels much more comfortable! Glad all is well. Wish I was headed south soon as well - soak up some sunshine and warmth for me!

Michelle Goodrum said...

Good to hear from you and that all is well. I had been wondering...

Greta Koehl said...

Glady to hear that everything is fine with you. And I love the idea of a van that has a bed with a memory-foam mattress. Freedom and comfort!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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