
Friday, November 26, 2010

The 44th Regiment at Shiloh :: The Burying Ground

A signpost at the entrance to the cemetery explains “After the Battle of Shiloh, Federal details buried the dead of both sides near where they fell. The warm weather and great number of bodies made it necessary to bury the dead quickly. In 1866 the United States Government established this cemetery for the permanent burial of Union soldiers killed at Shiloh and related engagements. Bodies were recovered from the battlefield and reburied here, often in regimental groupings. The Confederate dead remain in five mass graves on the battlefield. Two-thirds of the 3,500 Civil War soldiers resting here are unknown. Many tombstones bear a number only. Others read simply: “U. S. SOLDIER.”

What the sign doesn't say is that some Union dead were also originally interred in mass graves. And that the Battle of Shiloh was one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War – in two days the tally of those dead, wounded or missing was 13,000 on the Union side and 10,500 on the Confederate side!

The site of the burying ground for the 44th Regiment is marked “Ind 3” at the bottom center of the diagram.

The tall post to the right marks the center of the burying ground for the 44th Indiana Infantry. The stones in the foreground belong to men from Iowa regiments.

Only eight of the stones in the half-circle for the 44th have names inscribed upon them. The remaining 16 stones simply have a number. Most likely they had originally been interred where they died during battle, in graves marked by the regiment in some manner. Those who have their names inscribed probably, like Ralph Goodrick [Goodrich], died of wounds within days of the battle.

Jno. Murray (431) Company B - Captain - died April 6, 1862
Frank Launners (432) Company I - Sergeant– died April 6, 1862
Ralph Goodrick (433) Company B – Private – died April 6, 1862

Note: Pension records show that Ralph was wounded on the 6th and died of those wounds on April 8th. See my previous post on this.

H. C. Rill (434) Private
W. H. Casebeer (435) Company D – Private – died April 6, 1832
Unknown Number 436

Geo. Weamer (441) Company E - Private – died April 17, 1862
Jno. Diclute (445) Company I – Private – died April 6, 1862
Leander Hall (446) Company A – Private – died April 6, 1862

Someday, I'd like to spend some time researching these men... a quick search of the Internets garnered this bit of information on marker 441, shown above: George Weamer enlisted while a Columbia City, Indiana resident as a Private in Company G, 44th Indiana Volunteer Infantry on November 22, 1861, mustering into service the same day. He was transferred to Company E on January 2, 1862 and was wounded April 6, 1862 at the Battle of Shiloh. He died of his wounds April 17, 1862.

The 44th Regiment was formed in Fort Wayne with many of the men coming from the northeast Indiana counties of Allen, Dekalb, Noble, LaGrange, and Whitley.


Unknown said...

I was delighted to find your blog and it's stories of the 44th Ind. W. H. Casebeer was one of 6 Casebeer cousins and an uncle in the 44th. Other cousins were in the 152nd, and some, including my great grandfather, in Ohio regiments - the family farms were on both sides of the border.
Thanks so much.
Barry Casebere

Becky Wiseman said...

You're welcome Barry. Thank you for commenting!

Crober28 said...

Thanks for this! It was fun to see my grandpa Casebeer on here.

Margaret Hobson said...

I've been researching the 44th Indiana for over 20 years. Let me know if I can assist you! or

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