
Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Berlin Family :: Bible Records

Photocopied pages from a Berlin Family bible were received from Patricia (Berlin) Miller in January, 1995. She identified it as the bible of John D. Berlin. Patricia is a descendant of Solomon Berlin, son of John. She had no idea who had possession of the family bible. I can only wonder where it might be but am thankful to have copies of these pages.

Familien Register.
John D. Berlin was born Dec. the. 8.,1792
Susannah Berlin was born March the 9 D 1804
Solomon Berlin was born May the 26 D. 1827
Catharine Berlin was born May the 21 D 1830
Lydia Berlin was born Feb the 22 D. 1832
Josiah Berlin was born June the 24th 1834
Jacob Berlin was born September the 30th 1836.
Mary Ann Berlin was born October 17th 1838
Sarah Berlin was born December 25th 1840

[Note: the following three are in a different handwriting.]
Elisabeth Berlin was Born April the 28th 1843 -
Lovina Berlin was Born the 8th of May 1845
J. Milton Berlin was Born the December ..7.. 1848

Familien Register.
John D. Berlin was married to Susannah Huffman Feb the 16th 1826

Familien Register.
Mr. John D. Berlin died Nov 11, 1879 aged 86 yrs, 11 mo and 3 days
Mrs. Susan Berlin died Apr. 22, 1880, aged 76 yrs, 1 mo and 13 days
Joseph Milton Berlin youngest son of John and Susan Berlin, died May 22, 1856, aged 7 yrs, 9 mo, and 16 days.
Jacob Berlin was killed in battle of Shiloh Apr 7, 1862, aged 25 yrs, 6 mo, and 7 days.
Josiah Berlin died March 27. 1869 aged 35 years 2 months 20 days
Solomon Berlin died Sept 22, 1872. aged 45 yrs 3 months 26 days.
Catharine Berlin Richmond died Nov 15th 1903 age 73 - 5 months 24 d

[Note: The next two names are in a different handwriting.]
Lydia Berlin Woodruff died May 17th 1913 aged 81 yrs 2 months 26 d
Sarah Berlin Greene died April 22d 1916 aged 76 yr 3 months 3 days

[Note: And in yet a different handwriting.]
Elizabeth Berlin Coppes died Feb. 19. Feb. 1931 at home in Nappanee and buried at So. Union Cemetery Locke.
Mary Winder died July 20 – 1933

[Note: Lovina Berlin Yarian died May 3, 1932 but her death is not listed.]


Barbara Poole said...

I'm glad you have copies of the Bible, and the transcriptions are now on the internet, thanks to you. Maybe one of these days, it might appear, let's hope.

Becky Wiseman said...

Thanks Barbara. I too am glad to have them. Very glad!!

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