
Friday, January 28, 2011

January 29th 1862 :: James W. Rose to Lizzie

From Cotters Battery
Camp Wood, Green River
January 29th 1862

Friend, Lizzie

I received your kind letter the 27th and read it with pleasure. it found me well and I am now and hope this will find you enjoying the same comfort. the Randolph boys are all well and in good spirits. it is raining here to day and is quite unpleasant. the wether for the past few days has been very pleasant and warm. we have all kinds of wether down here. I have not seen snow enough this winter for any sleighing. Well there is no news to write of any importence.

I spose you have heard of the death of General Zollicoffers death and the defeat of his troops by General Shoeph and thomas, and also the great victory wone by Colonel garfield here in this state so I will not bother to write them. I dont think we will leave here very soon as our troops are building fortifications here as thou we were going to stay here for awhile yet anyhow and I dont care if we do for it is a very helthy plase for this state. the river water is very good to use. I think the desire is now to surround Buckner and wipe him out. I hope it will bee so. for I think a desprit movement will wind up the war the quickest of anything.

Well I guess this is all the news. I should like very well to attend some of your spelling schools but as things are now I dont think I can very well. I have some recolections of padling throu the mud up there but I have seen more mud in Kentuckey than I ever did up in America.

what is vin and said about you dont never seem to speak about them. I spose they live with uncle John yet. I promised to write to said but I have never done it and I spose I have not done rite but you have heard from me once and a while and of corse she would have the opertunity of seeing the letters and know how Jim was. Ill rite to hear [her?] one of theas times if I can get time and vin too so I will.

Well it is not very pleasant writing to day for it is raining all the time and the tent is full. so you see it is not very pleasant writing especily when a person has to write on a board laying on his knees for a desk. no more this time. write soon and write all the news and oblige a friend.

my best wishes and success to all,
James W. Rose

The envelope attached to the letter was franked with an embossing of a cannon and U.S. Flag. Beneath it was printed “From Cotter’s Battery Company A, 1st Regiment, Ohio Artillery.” The envelope was addressed to “Miss Lizzie Berlin, Rootstown, Portage Co. Ohio”.

It appears that James W. Rose may be related in some way but I have not been able to determine the relationship, if any.

At this time (January 1862), Lizzie and most of her family were still living in Randolph township, Portage county, Ohio. “Randolph boys” refers to the men who enlisted from that area.

General Zollicoffer was a Brigadier General in the Confederate Army in command of all Tennessee troops. He was killed under peculiar circumstances at Logan Cross Roads, Kentucky on January 19, 1862 by Speed S. Fry.

"Colonel Garfield" would later become the 20th President of the United States.

Lizzie would have been not quite 19 years old and may have taught school in Randolph Township. She was a teacher for several years after the family moved to Indiana.

“Vin” is most likely a reference to Lizzie’s sister, Lovina. “Said” could be the nickname of Sadie for their sister Sarah and “Uncle John” could be their father, John D. Berlin.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

1 comment:

Free Genealogy Guide said...

It helps that you explained the sisters' names, Lovina and Sarah. I wouldn't have guessed that "vin" and "said" were names, especially since they aren't capitalized. All the other proper names are capitalized, except for thomas and garfield.

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