
Saturday, January 29, 2011

November 5th 1862 :: Solomon Berlin to His Parents

Locke, Ind Nov 5th 1862
Dear Father & Mother

I take my pen in hand to let you know that we are all well and hope the lines will find you all in the same state of health and I will further state that I have not wrote to you for a long time. But I wish to be Excused for I have so much to see to that I had not time to write. this war makes a good bit of trouble here and I suppose in there the Same folke is begining to get scarce out here. I suppose that you know that Fred Richmond was drafted and has gone to war. he went to Indianapolis and enlisted for three years In the company that Pat Richmond is in the 5th cavalry. Fred was home last week on furlow but had to go again last Thursday. he said he liked soldiering well. he has got in for Blacksmith and makes his dollar per day.

we are a going to get Aunt Polly out here to stay with Katharine this winter. Uncle John Shaffer is very sick and I dont expect that he is a living any more. Uncle Jacke Staffer was there three weeks ago and he was very low and Roudenbush was all sick. I guess they have got in a sickly place. we got a letter from Joseph Miner. he is not well. he writes a middling pittifull letter. he was on the Battlefield at Perryville Ken. he said that it looked awfull to see the dead & wounded laying around.

I wish that this war was over But I expect that it will soon be over now that the Butternuttz has got there congressman now they will make a compromise. but it will be over the left that is what I think of it. there is no Stop to this war by a compromise. if there was not such fools here in the North this war would be over now. Just as long as we have Butternut sympathizers here in the north Just that long we will have to fight the Rebels. I Should think that People would soon get there Eyes open if they will get them open But they will hold on to the old rotten Democracy, they will rule or ruin. But I will Stop this. if I could talke in place of writing I could do Better.

further If you have not got Jacobs Bounty and Back wages you ought to try and get it. you can get it if you make appplications for it and you should have it Just as well as the rest. and I would send them clothes But I dont like to Divide them. I would like if some one would do it But if Josiah wants that I should I will Divide them and send them home. I will have to Stop writing for this time I have got such poor paper and pen to write with. Uncle James Ruckmans is out here on a visit. they are a going to Starte home next Tuesday. So nothing more, yourz Truly Solomon Berlin

Locke is located north of present day Nappanee, in Elkhart County, Indiana. Solomon’s parents, John D. and Susannah (Hoffman) Berlin were still living in Rootstown, Portage County, Ohio in 1862.

Fred Richmond was the husband of Solomon's sister Katherine, also known as Kate. They moved to Locke Township in 1858. Pat Richmond is Fred's brother. Four of Fred's brothers and his father all served during the Civil War. Two of his brothers and his father did not survive the conflict.

Aunt Polly is Polly Berlin, the sister of Solomon’s father. In the 1860 census, Polly was living with Solomon and his family. In the 1870 census she was living with Solomon's parents, John D. and Susan Berlin.

Uncle John Shaffer was the husband of Clara Loretta Berlin, another of Solomon's father’s sisters. Her daughter, Anna Shaffer, was married to Isaac Rodibush/Raudenbush/Roudenbush. They moved to Elkhart County prior to 1860.

Joseph Miner was the son of John and Mary (Hoffman) Miner. Mary was a sister of Solomon's mother Susannah. In the 1860 census, Joseph is listed in the dwelling just after Solomon.

Uncle Jacke Staffer could be John Stauffer who was married to Elizabeth Hoffman, another sister of Solomon's mother.

Jacob Berlin, Solomon’s brother, was killed on April 7th, 1862 at the Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing) in western Tennessee. Josiah is another of Solomon’s brothers.

There was a group of Democrats in the Northern States who opposed the Civil War and who were deemed to be southern sympathizers. These people were generally called “Copperheads” but were also called Butternuts. Confederate Soldiers were also sometimes called Butternuts because of the their uniforms, which were colored with a dye made from walnut hulls, which had a yellow-brown color and was called butternut.

James Ruckman was married to Hannah Hoffman, yet another sister of Solomon's mother. They lived in Biglick Township, Hancock County, Ohio.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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