
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

October 5th 1864 :: Lydia to Lizzie

Randolph Oct 5th 1864

Sister Lizzie

Wednesday Afternoon

having just finished my work I thought you would like to have company and So I would write you a letter. I received your letter and was very glad to hear from you for it seems so lonely here to think you are so far away and to think of the time you started. how it did rain and has rained nearly all the time since. you Seem to like your new home. do well but hope you will not become so attached to the west that you will forget your friends in Ohio for I believe you have got friends here that would like to see you.

Now I must tell you about the draft. Myron was not drafted but had to pay 80 dollars to help clear the town. but I dont care for that for I had rather give twice that than go. there was some of the best men in town drafted but they didnt have to go. it took 15000 dollars to clear the town. you better believe there was some squirming. some of the old copper heads that had said they would not do any thing to clear the town were glad to fork over there hundred dollars. Old Stallsmith for wone. Well enough of this

Now I will tell you how we are getting a long with our house. it is a getting a long sloly. we have got it nearly all plastered. one of our plasters was taken sick and so it leaves Honeywell to finish the job and you know he never hurries business. but if it ever stops raining I guess we will all come out right yet.

Sarah is with us yet I shall be lonely when she is gone. it will seem as though you were all gone. I have not seen Mary since you left. Myron says she was in good spirits but to bid him that she all most gone up the weak before, she said she had to work harder than she felt able to. he said she looked reall pale and he tried to have her come home with him but she did not think it best. I should not be surprised if she should go west in the Spring. I expect in a fiew years you will all be cuddled up together out there and I shall have to Stay here all a lone. Sarah wished every little while she was out there.

How do you get a long with out Apples. that must be rather hard after having all you could use. Myron says if you would like to have him barl up some apples and send you he will do it.

How does Julia and Josiah get a long and the babies. how sorry I am that you had such bad luck with your goods. I thought the old chimney falling ment some thing but I feel glad to think it isnt anything wors. I must stop writing. we are well and ragged and dirty. give my love to all.

write soon and tell me all the news. tell me what you are a doing and all the rest are doing. I suppose Kate is so over joyed to think you are out there that she does not have time to sleep. good bye. Lydia Collins.

About a month before this letter was written, Sarah's parents and two sisters joined other family members in Elkhart County, Indiana.

Lydia Berlin was married on November 12, 1858 to Myron Collins.

Josiah Berlin was married to Julia Slabaugh on September 13, 1857. Their second childe, Charles, was born April 7, 1864.

Kate is Lydia's sister, Katherine, who had married Fred Richmond about 1854 and moved to Elkhart County, Indiana in 1858 after spending several years in Iowa.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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