
Sunday, March 06, 2011

January 11th 1869 :: Sarah Greene to Sam & Elizabeth

Rootstown Jan. 11th, 1869

Dear Brother and Sister,

After a few weeks delay I take the opertunity of writing to you. I received your letter and was very glad to hear from you for it had been a long time since I had had a letter from you. but I know that you as well as myself have a great deal to do and cannot write when we would like to and it is as much as ever that I have got at it to night and now it is after nine o’clock.

could not get the children to Sleep untill a short time ago. they wer so full of the old sixty that they could not shut their eyes. I general put them to bed about six o’clock and some times it takes a long time to get them to sleep. Oh dear how tired I get some times but after they are here we do not like to part with them. Susie and Arthur as mischieveous as they can be. they are almost of a size and Arthur is a great deal fater than Susie. the baby grows real fast and is good natured.

we have been having real pleasant wether for the last week or two but it commenced to snow this morning and has been snowing ever since so the snow is quite deep. well the holidays are past. how did you enjoy yourself and what did you get for a preasant. these people here had a Christmas tree in the Congregational church which looked very nice and yeilded bountifuly. for my chase I got six napkins from Lydia. and a spice box with a lot of little boxes inside of it for all kinds of spices from George, and a vace from Gideon Seymour. I was one of his cholars in the sunday school, we (his class) gave him a gold pen and holder. the tree was for the sunday school.

when I got home George gave me a black alapaca dress and a pare of gaiters and lydia gave me yarn enough for a pair of stockings. there was a bag of lace filled with pop corn and candy and nuts and a buff neck tie for Susie from Lydia. I gave George a pair of slippers.

Jim does not live with us. this winter he is staying up to Captain Whippies. he has not been able to go out but a few times. he is failing real fast and if he does not get help soon he can not stand it very long. I suppose you have heard that Rastus Taylor’s wife is dead. she had typhoid fever. Barbra Goodyear and John Kissel were married last thursday. Mary Jones was here few weeks ago. inquired of you. she lived with me when I was sick. she was a real good girl and the same thing she use to be.

Well this is tuesday evening could not quite finish my letter last night. sleighing is quite good to day. Mary Ray and Phebe Parsons were here this evening. well I dont know as I have any thing more to write this time so I will bring my letter to a close by biding you all good night. write soon.

Keep little Mary for me

Sarah Greene

Mrs Heisler has got little twin boys they are two weeks old. Katie has got a little boy about six months old.

At the time the letter was written, Sarah had three children: Susie was about 3 1/2 years old, Arthur about 2 years, and the baby, Freddie, was about 3 months old. George is Sarah’s husband.

Elizabeth had married Sam Coppes on March 12, 1867. Their first child “Little Mary” was born on February 3, 1868.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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