
Thursday, March 10, 2011

January 1871 :: Lydia to Lizzie

No date, probably written in January 1871

Monday afternoon. the weather is horible. it is Snowing and blowing. it is almost impossible to be out yet people are Stirring Some. I have not had my dinner yet and dont know how to go out after it. I board to Sarahs now. I have been verry buisy all fall and winter So far. I have got me a Sewing mashien and I have more work than I want to do. I can hardly get time to do any thing for my Self. I Sometimes take the work home and Some times go to peoples houses.

I went down to Mr Parsons to make Phebes weding dress. her dress was irish Poplin, drab collar, very hansome. She made as great perade as though She had been Some young girl. her dress and trimming and hat and collar and gloves cost over fifty dollars. I was at her weding. it was a very Sad weding. there were about thirty persons there. mostly relatives. they were married at Mr Parsons Stand in the Same plase they Stand when they were married before. after they wer married they went down to his home to Stay over night. was married at Seven in the evening. they Seem very happy. hope they may allways be so.

Layey Hallock was married last weeak to William Ealmyer. his wife died about one year ago. he had five children and She had two. a pretty good family to start with. Frankie Sanford is married to a Gentle Man from Washington. has gone there to live. he was a widower with two children but She does not have them to take care of. Belle Hinkly is married to a Mr Bogue. done real well. Silvie Jones is married to one of the Sevly boys. well it has Slacked Snowing so I think I had better have Some dinner and will finish this Evening if nothing prevents.

Eight oclock. I am Seated to finish my letter if I can think of anything to write about. I just came from Sarahs. they are all well. how I do wish you could See Sarah children. they are real pretty and I guess as good as children in general though they make a good deal of noise Sometimes. Susie and Freddie look alike. both have light hair and curly as it can be. Arthur & Jimmie have black eyes and dark hair. Susie learnt very early. has never been to School but can Spell all the comon little words. She goes to Sunday School every Sunday. has one or two verses comited to memory every time. She has learned one chapter and nearly another, all bye heart and remembers it all.

we had a christmas Tree here in the church for the Sabbath School. it was a pleasant time to all. each teacher provided preasants for their Schollars and Schollars for their teachers. Susie got a nise little mug and a bag of candy and nuts from her teacher. I got her a doll. she thinks it is the nisest thing she ever had. She has got the little doll Minnie Sent her. it is dressed so that it looks ever so pretty. She calls it Minne.

I got for my preasant a very nise Fruit dish and a collar, the collar from Mime Austin the fruit dish from Sarah Greene. the dish stands here by me with apples in it. wish I could just do them up in that and Send them to you. I often think of you when I am cuting apples and wish I could divide with you. my paper is begining to grow short. there is many things that I could write about yet but I believe this will be as much as you can read at one time. now Lizzie I would like to have you write to me some time. I have waited so long I Seem as though you are So far away. tell me all the news you can think of. a kiss for the children. good night. your Sister, Lydia C.

One thing more I recd from Sam Leatherman Some time ago he was then in Madina he Said he would come out this way and See me but I have not seen him yet.

Lydia was working as a seamstress and boarding (taking meals) with her sister Sarah and brother-in-law George Greene.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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