
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

June 5th 1892 :: Sarah Greene to Lydia & Henry Woodruff

Ravenna June 5th 1892

Dear Sister and Brother

We received your letter few days ago and thought that I would answer it to night. I have been thinking this long time that I must write to you but I have had so much to do. In the first place we made rag carpet. Enough for the boys room and Winnies room and of course after they were woven they had to be made. besides I had to make one over for the hall upstairs and rip and fix the siting room carpet. besides cleaning the house myself with Jim to take up the carpets and put them down. but we have got it done and it looks clean and good. if it isent as grand as some others.

Harry has got a bedroom set for his room which makes it look real pleasant. we have put the bed that was in their room in Winnie’s room and her bedstead we put in the hall for Eddie to sleep in and it maks a comfortable place for him. we have taken down Jims big table and the old trunk and so on. of course I have not told you that Jim cut and sewed all the rags for the carpets because he dont want any one to know it, but I dont feel ashamed of it.

Well Jim has at last got a place, for a while anyway. he went to Salem three weeks ago last thursday and I think he likes it better than he did before. he boards and sleeps at one place and has a pleasant room and that suit him better. Cameron gives him 5 dollars a week and he has to pay four dollars a week for board and of course has to get his washing done but that leaves a little besides. The other Architect there in salem got Jim four days and left him get a piece of work done and he gave him four dollars and a half for his work. When Cameron sent for Jim to come he said that he did not know how long he might want him but it might be a month or two.

Susie was at home week before last and stayed a few days. Winnie went home with her and is their yet. she likes to stay with Susie. I think Winnie is feeling better than she did but yet she soon gives out.

You wanted to know if it rained here. well it rains all the time. we have not got any thing planted in the garden. only think of it, June, and the farmers have not got their corn and oats in the ground, a few have, and it is so wet it cant grow. We had our garden plowed yesterday and are going to plant it tomorrow. it rained as hard as it could in last night and has been showering all day to day but we are going to plant the garden. George says that we will plant it if we have to carry an umbrella.

Clarence Whitting was here friday. he has sold his mothers place for nine hundred dollars to Deb Lumly. Harry says tell you he thinks of you often and will write soon. he says he is a poor hand to write letters because he dont know what to write about. he is still at Chapmans. gets one dollar per day with a promise of a raise. Eddie says tell you he had two dollars and ten cents in his bank but took it and got him some shoes. well I dont know as I have any thing more to write this time. if I could see you I could talk a great deal more.

All send kind regards to you and Henry. write soon.

Sarah Greene

We were glad to hear of Lovina’s happy surprise. Jim does not get much time to write. they are very busy. would send you his letter but sent it to susie.

Lydia was married to Henry Woodruff on September 18, 1874 in Portage County, Ohio. Following their marriage they moved to Lacygne, Linn County, Kansas where they resided until Henry's death in 1898. Lydia then moved to Nappanee where she lived until her death in 1913.

At the time this letter was written Sarah had five children living: Susie was 27, Jim was 22, Harry was 18, Winnie was 16, and Eddie (Clarence Edgar) was 10 years old. Susie was married with four young children of her own, the oldest being 7 years of age, and Jim was beginning his career as an architect. Sarah had two children who died young: Arthur (1867-1873) and George Frederick “Freddie (1868-1878).

Lovina’s happy surprise may have been the engagement of her daughter Susie Yarian to Henry Phend. They were married September 4, 1892 and their first child Rolland Victor Phend (my grandfather) was born on June 19th, 1893.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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