
Friday, March 04, 2011

March 10th 1867 :: Sarah Greene to Lizzie

Rootstown March 10th 1867

Dear Sister

I received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you and to hear that you was not any worse. I think when warm weather comes they will all feel better. I think that our cold weather is about over. people here have commenced to make sugar and have had one good run. I suppose people out their are all busy in their camps making sugar.

Well I dont know what to say to interest you I dont know of anything that is going on around here but I thought I must write and let you know that we are all in the land of the living and able to take care of ourselves.

Lydia is in Randolph now. she had to go to Cleveland last week to see about her money. she has finly got her papers in shape so she can draw her money. she was up here week before last. our girl had to go home so she came up and stayed one week and I got along one week alone. the girl has come back now. her father was sick with the spotted fever and she had to go home. I dont know how long she will stay. Lydia says when she comes she dont want any girl around. she wants to do the work herself but she wont take any pay so I dont know as we will let the girl go. I dont want to have it said she done my work for nothing. she was real good the last time that she was here. if she is always like that I can get along with her very well. well I shall have to stop for to night and finish this in the morning.

George is lying on the floor and Susie is playing with him. she is throwing her clothes over him and having a good time so I must stop and put her to bed.

Monday Morning
I dont know as I have anything to say this morning and what I have said isent worth sending. I think your dress is real pretty and think your clothes must all be pretty. You have my best wishes and I hope you wont be so unfortunate as I have been. I think you might have told me what day you was going to be married.

I suppose you know that Vira Beans is married. she has moved to Ft Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Rose have united with the Methodist church. Walter Chiltendon was married last week to a Carris girl. he is not in the store any more. they have got Agor now. he dont seem to have any offer for his place. I hope he will have. I shall have to stop for this time. I hope to hear from you soon and tell us all the news.

Jim is off to Whippies now. He is not as well now as he was. I will send that money to Sol for that picture. I think that man had ought to pay us for spoiling those pictures so I will send it in this letter and you will please give in to him. Give our love to all the folks.

Good bye
Sarah Greene

I will send you some pieces of susies aprons. it is 18 cents a yard.

On March 12, 1867 (two days after this letter is dated) Lizzie Berlin was married to Samuel Coppes in Elkhart County, Indiana.

See The Berlin Family :: List of The Letters for a complete listing of all of the family letters.

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