
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's Been a Week...

A busy week at that and I'm way behind with the blogging. Readjusting to cooler weather and dealing with the rain and the wind and the storms that have been affecting Northern Indiana as well as many other areas of the country. Aaahh Springtime!

My goal of not traveling on the Interstates from Louisiana to Indiana was successful. And I only had to travel on four-lane highways around and through towns and cities. Of course, it took a bit longer but it was worth the extra time and far less stressful.

It was rather startling to go from this (on the Natchez Trace April 19th):

To this (Northern Indiana on April 24th) where the only “green” is the grass:

But, thankfully, all of those April Showers have brought forth the beautiful flowers!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had a visit with the doctor earlier this week and I'm happy to report that my leg is feeling much better! An ultrasound was done to rule out blood clots and none were found. The doctor prescribed a pain-reliever/anti-inflamatory drug that has helped considerably. The cause of the pain? Most likely a pulled muscle that will heal itself with time.

I've been taking advantage of the “free wifi” here at my friend's house and working on several projects. Rather got “caught up” in researching a very, very distant relative who just happened to have lived in southern Noble County, not far from my ancestors here in Whitley County. And by “distant relative” I mean really distant. You have to go back to the 1635 immigrant, Thomas Joslin, to get to our common ancestor. It's been fun. Haven't had a challenge like that in quite a while!

What's ahead? I'm working on it, formulating a plan. Really. I had hoped to be able to attend the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree in June but that won't happen this year. I have to be back in Indiana by June 14th for a follow-up appointment with the doctor. But I've put the Jamboree on my calendar for 2012 along with RootsTech!


Barbara Poole said...

Lovely photos as always. I wondered if you were going to post last year's Easter shot (my favorite), it's still in my memory. Glad your leg is getting better, good news. Happy Travels.

Kathryn Doyle said...

So sorry you aren't going to make it to Jamboree but glad to hear it's nothing serious with your leg. Hope to see you at RootTech in Salt Lake City!

Anonymous said...

So glad your leg is feeling better. Did Tim get you a Final Four shirt?? Babs

Greta Koehl said...

Glad your leg is doing better. And the pink color in those pictures is wonderful!

Amy Coffin, MLIS said...

Becky, I like the way you travel; no interstates for me, either!

We'll miss you at Jamboree, but I'm happy to see you'll be at RootsTech in 2012. See you there!

Steve Danko said...

I can smell the hyacinths! We'll miss you at Jamboree.

Kathy Reed said...

I traveled Natchez Trace about 20 years ago. I think it was the most beautiful drive I've ever taken.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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