
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Estate of Jacob Switzer :: Sale Bill

There were three men (actually four, another has been found) with the name of Jacob Switzer who resided in Columbiana County, Ohio during the 1805-1860 time period. This estate file is for the Jacob Switzer who is my 4th great-grandfather and who married first Catherine Brinker (in 1811, the mother of his children) and second Leathy Bricker (in 1853). Jacob died on November 2, 1859.

The Sale Bill was filed December 10th 1859. Estate of Jacob Switzer. Probate Packet 4962. Columbiana County, Ohio

Text within square brackets [ ] has been added to indicate words that were difficult to read. I did not add up the dollar values that I transcribed to determine if they added up to the total amount of the sale!


A bill of the property sold by Daniel Deemer administrator of the estate of Jacob Switzer, deceased as per [illegible word] vendue Nov 29 1859.

Names of articles
11 one horse wagon
1 Two year old Heiffer
1 Red Cow
1 Red Cow Whiteface
1 Spotted Cow
1 Black faced Cow
1 Red Yearling Heiffer
1 Horse (Fore)
Lot Medicine [?] & Pottery
Gun Powder horn & Pouch
1 Sleigh
1 Sled
3 Cow Chain
2 Cow Chain
1 Set Buggy Harness
1 Halter
Saddle & Bridle
1 Wheel barrow
1 Plough
1 Shovel [illegible word]
[???] w two Chain [???]
1 Saythe
3 Forks
1 Grain Shovel
1 Hog
1 Hog (Sow)
2 Small Pigs 1 & 2 [?] choice
1 Small Pig 3 choice
1 Small Pig 4 choice
5 Ton Hay
2 Ton Hay
Names of Purchaser
Taken by widow at appraisement
Taken by widow at appraisement
John Mitchell
David Bricker
Mathias Fisher
Soloman H. Sitler
Taken by widow at appraisement
Taken by widow at appraisement
A B Arter
John Deemer
Adam Simon [?]
Taken by widow at appraisement
J J Brinker
Taken by widow at appraisement
Taken by widow at appraisement
[???] Axel
Phillip Simon
Taken by widow at appraisement
Levi Hanna
Jacob Keck
Levi Hanna
Levi Hanna
Taken by widow at appraisement
A B Arter
John Deemer
Phillip Bricker
Taken by widow at appraisement
John Harter
John Harter
Taken by widow at appraisement
Taken by widow at appraisement
$ cts

First Page of Sale Bill filed December 10th 1859.
Estate of Jacob Switzer. Probate Packet 4962
Columbiana County, Ohio

Names of articles
1 Ton Hay
1 Ton Hay
1 Ton Hay
1 [???] Buggy
1 Wind Mill
Lot old Oat
Lot Oats in Straw
30 Bushels Corn
38 Bushels Corn
4 Cider Barrels
1 Log chain
1 clock
1 Bureau
1 Buffalo Robe
1 [have no clue]
Lot Corn Fodder
2/57 acres wheat in ground
1 - 2 Inch auger
1 - 1 ½ Inch auger
1 – 1 Inch auger
1 - ¾ & ½ Inch auger
2 Chisels
1 Draw Knife
Hammer [???????]
1 Strip Sleigh Bells
1 Horse Fly Net
1 Set old Harness
1 Par Driving lines
1 Axe
2 Bags
Names of Purchaser
Simon Miller
Levi Hanna
J. B. Everton [?]
Taken by Widow at appraisement
Levi Hanna
Taken by Widow at appraisement
Taken by Widow at appraisement
Taken by Widow at appraisement
David Bricker
Simon Arter
Andrew Bricker
Henry Aldridge
Leathy Switzer
P. Buhecker
W. E. McLaughlin
Taken by Widow at appraisement
Taken by Widow at appraisement
Jona Worman
Simon Miller
Simon Miller
John Walker
P. Buhecker
A. R. Kelly
P. Buhecker
Levi Hanna
Levi Hanna
Levi Hanna
Levi Hanna
Taken by Widow at appraisement
Taken by Widow at appraisement
[Total amount of Sale]
$ cts
37 ½
$390.30 ½

The above Sale Bill is correct.
W. E. McLaughlin Clerk of Sale.

Second Page of Sale Bill filed December 10th 1859.
Estate of Jacob Switzer. Probate Packet 4962
Columbiana County, Ohio

1 comment:

Cheri Hopkins aka You Go Genealogy Girl #2 said...

Becky, I have enjoyed following your Rupert and Switzer articles. What a tangled web we must always be trying to untangle! Sounds as if you are having a productive summer of research though. Even though I don't often comment, just wanted you to know I'm following along. Been busy here in Nebraska but not doing a whole lot with my genealogy till fall. Catching up on lots of other things that have gone by the way side the last 3 years. I'm anxious to get back to it soon. Be careful on the road!


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Becky Wiseman - -

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