
Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Estate of Jacob Switzer :: Widow's Allowance

There were three men (actually four, another has been found) with the name of Jacob Switzer who resided in Columbiana County, Ohio during the 1805-1860 time period. This estate file is for the Jacob Switzer who is my 4th great-grandfather and who married first Catherine Brinker (in 1811, the mother of his children) and second Leathy Bricker (in 1853). Jacob died on November 2, 1859.

Text within square brackets [ ] has been added to indicate difficult to read words.


The deceased having left a widow, we set off to her the following property, without appraising the same as directed by Statute.

one Lew [?] plate [?] Stove
one Family Bible
all the Books in Library
one Cow
all wearing apparel
all Beds Bedsteads & Bedding
Necessary Cooking Utensils
The Clothing of the Family
The Clothes and ornaments of the widow
The wearing apparel of the deceased
one Table
Six Chairs
Six knives and forks
Six plates
Six Tea cups and Saucers
one Sugar dish
one Milk Pot
one Tea pot
12 Spoons

Widow's Allowance. Property not appraised.
Estate of Jacob Switzer. Probate Packet 4962
Columbiana County, Ohio

The following is a schedule of property [illegible word], belonging to the estate of Jacob Switzer deceased, set off by the undersigned for the support of Leathy Switzer his widow,

2 Hog's
21 ½ Ton of Hay
4 Bushels old Corn
4 Bushels Potatoes
[???] Cash (there being no other property of a suitable kind to set off


Widow's Allowance. Appraised property.
Estate of Jacob Switzer. Probate Packet 4962
Columbiana County, Ohio

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