
Monday, August 15, 2011

Another Indian Lake Sunset

Friday, August 5th - - As I drove “home” to the campground at Indian Lake after spending much of the day at my “private” beach at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, the clouds began gathering. Rain was forecast for Saturday and it looked like it was coming sooner than predicted. I made it back to the campground in time for a stroll along the shore of Indian Lake at sunset.

The ducks (there were others not pictured) were enjoying the water at sunset, bathed in the golden glow of the fading light.

Like most everyone else, I generally take sunset pictures with the camera in “landscape” or horizontal orientation. Because the clouds were so dramatic, along with the reflections in the water, I decided to do a series of “portrait” shots or with a vertical orientation... Enjoy!

1 comment:

Barbara Poole said...

Becky, I've always enjoyed your nature shots, but your first is really lovely. Thanks.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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