
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lake Itasca :: Day's End

Wednesday, August 10th - - It had been a perfect day! In hopes of catching a nice sunset, I strolled along the beach area. There were no clouds in the sky but the haze turned the sky into a stunningly brilliant orange.

Disclaimer: The image above has been cropped and digitally enhanced! The contrast has been adjusted and a little saturation added, although not all that much.

As the sun dropped below the horizon, the orange color deepened to almost red.

This little duck was all by itself. The kids had gotten out of the lake and it was zig-zagging all around the beach area. I love the patterns it made in the water...

1 comment:

Carol said...

The sunset colors are amazing! Photo of the girl playing in the water, fabulous!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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