
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun :: The Ancestors' GeneaMeme

Randy Seaver has picked up The Ancestors' GeneaMeme from Geniaus as his Saturday Night Genealogy Fun and I thought I'd play along...

According to the instructions, the list should be annotated in the following manner:
  • Things you have already done or found: bold face type
  • Things you would like to do or find: italicize (colour optional)
  • Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type
  • You are encouraged to add extra comments in brackets after each item
My comments are in square [ ] brackets...
  1. Can name my 16 great-great-grandparents
  2. Can name over 50 direct ancestors [with help from my genealogy database]
  3. Have photographs or portraits of my 8 great-grandparents
  4. Have an ancestor who was married more than three times [None that I know of though William Alexander was married three times.]
  5. Have an ancestor who was a bigamist [Not that I know of.]
  6. Met all four of my grandparents [No. Knew my Mom's parents buy my Dad's mother died when he was 2 years old. His father died 5 years before I was born.]
  7. Met one or more of my great-grandparents [Five of them were still living when I was born and they all lived in the area.]
  8. Named a child after an ancestor [I don't have any children...]
  9. Bear an ancestor's given name/s [My middle name is Rose, which is the same as my Mother's. She was given the name in honor of her mother's aunt, Rose (Wise) Zinsmeister.]
  10. Have an ancestor from Great Britain or Ireland [Joslin, Goodrich and others.]
  11. Have an ancestor from Asia
  12. Have an ancestor from Continental Europe
  13. Have an ancestor from Africa
  14. Have an ancestor who was an agricultural laborer [The vast majority of my ancestors were farmers.]
  15. Have an ancestor who had large land holdings [William Foster, Andrew Brinker and others.]
  16. Have an ancestor who was a holy man - minister, priest, rabbi [Johann Casper Stoever and William Foster. Jacob Phend wasn't a preacher but he helped start several Evangelical churches.
  17. Have an ancestor who was a midwife
  18. Have an ancestor who was an author [Sort of. My grandmother wrote her autobiography.]
  19. Have an ancestor with the surname Smith, Murphy or Jones [William B. Jones]
  20. Have an ancestor with the surname Wong, Kim, Suzuki or Ng
  21. Have an ancestor with a surname beginning with X
  22. Have an ancestor with a forename beginnining with Z
  23. Have an ancestor born on 25th December
  24. Have an ancestor born on New Year's Day
  25. Have blue blood in your family lines
  26. Have a parent who was born in a country different from my country of birth
  27. Have a grandparent who was born in a country different from my country of birth [All 4 grandparents and the 8 great-grands were born in the United States. Only three great-great grandparents were "foreign born" - two in Switzerland (Phend, Wiseman) and one in "Germany" (Fisher).]
  28. Can trace a direct family line back to the eighteenth century [Several]
  29. Can trace a direct family line back to the seventeenth century or earlier [Several]
  30. Have seen copies of the signatures of some of my great-grandparents
  31. Have ancestors who signed their marriage certificate with an X [Probably, quite a few of them couldn't read or write...]
  32. Have a grandparent or earlier ancestor who went to university [Charles Romain Brubaker briefly attended Valparaiso College.]
  33. Have an ancestor who was convicted of a criminal offence [Not aware of any but it's possible.]
  34. Have an ancestor who was a victim of crime
  35. Have shared an ancestor's story online or in a magazine (Tell us where) [here at kinexxions]
  36. Have published a family history online or in print (Details please) [Phend Family History privately published in 1991.]
  37. Have visited an ancestor's home from the 19th or earlier centuries [The closest is the home of John Brubaker in Huntington, Indiana.]
  38. Still have an ancestor's home from the 19th or earlier centuries in the family
  39. Have a family bible from the 19th Century [Charles Wiseman Family Bible]
  40. Have a pre-19th century family bible

1 comment:

GeniAus said...

Five great-grandparents - that's fantastic, Becky.
Thanks for taking part in the meme.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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