
Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Few Hours With a Friend

Yesterday afternoon, my last day at the Family History Library, my stomach started growling and I realized I hadn't brought lunch as I usually do. I took the stairs from the 3rd floor, where I had been looking at some books, down to the 1st floor where the snack room was located.

As I was opening the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see Stephen Danko standing there. I think it took him a few seconds to realize it was me but I was soon engulfed by a hearty hug! We talked for a few minutes and made plans for supper after the library closed.

We met up as planned, had a delicious meal, then decided to walk through Temple Square. The Christmas Lights had been turned on Friday at dusk. The Square was crowded with lots of people enjoying the lights in the cool (actually cold) evening air.

The few pictures that I took don't do the scene justice and don't show the lights very well. Nearly every tree in the Square was wrapped in various covered lights.

There were several nativity scenes. This one simply shows Joseph and Mary with the baby Jesus, floating in one of the water features.

This was the one area in the Square that was not covered with lights. It told the story of the birth of Christ, with each scene being lit as the story progressed. It was nearly impossible to hear the narrator but I think most everyone there was familiar with the story!

The time passed quickly – too quickly – but it was so nice to see Steve again and spend even a few short hours together. Thanks, Steve!


Barbara Poole said...

Isn't that great...see, I had a feeling, didn't I? So glad you met up with each other. Nice pictures too.

Carol said...

What a nice way to end your stay, food, friends and beautiful lights. Yummy!

Jasia said...

What a happy post to read! Thank you for sharing your happy time with Steve and the lovely photos of the Square. They are beautiful!

Ruby Coleman said...

The lights that were being strung in October when I was there, are now in their glory. What beautiful photos, Becky ... thanks ever so much for sharing them. Sounds like you had a great time that evening.

Steve Danko said...

It was so nice to see you, Becky! Yes, indeed, it took me a few seconds to recognize you in the Family History Library. I'm glad we were able to have dinner together, watch the skaters at Gallivan Center, and stroll through Temple Square together. You made my visit to Salt Lake City special!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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