
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Arizona Sunset

I hesitated to post two sunset pictures in a row, but you take what Mother Nature gives you – the good along with the bad...

Benson, Arizona.
Sunday, January 8th 2012.


Jasia said...

I NEVER tire of sunset pictures. Thanks for sharing these lovely ones!

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Beautiful and at the same time a bit ominous.

Ruby Coleman said...

The photos are beautiful, Becky and I don't care how many you post. Isn't it amazing that it's the same sun that went down here, but it looks different in your neck of the woods!!

Carol said...

Yours are ALWAYS outta this world pretty and wonderful I actually have one on Reflections, posted late last night, totally different look, as Ruby points out, all different. Mine was followed up by W*I*N*D supreme, that woke us and kept us up for hours last night. (Remember the sunset, I whisper to myself over and over again, between the yawns.)

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Becky Wiseman - -

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