
Friday, March 16, 2012

Homeward Bound...

Not quite two years ago (April 5, 2010) after I had been on this Journey for seven months, Craig Manson asked me “How long will you be traveling?” My response was “Till I’m done!” Well, folks, I'm done! And I'm tired...

I woke up last Saturday morning with the realization that I didn't want to go to California. I didn't want the hassle and stress of driving in the horrendous traffic. I just didn't want to deal with any of it. This may sound absurd, but anywhere I'd want to go in California, I've already been. Besides, I'm tired. Yes, there are a few people I'd like to have visited – cousins and friends – but, quite frankly, the traffic and dealing with the weather have taken it's toll. I'm done! And I'm tired...

So, I spent a few days in northwest Arizona mulling things over, trying to determine if this was just a little funk I was in. But it wasn't. I really don't want to go anywhere else either. It's too early to go north and the arid southwest seems, well, quite honestly, not all that appealing right now. Besides, I'm done! And I'm tired...

It has been a marvelous Journey. I can still feel the cold spray of water falling on my face at Niagara Falls and the brisk morning air of that first fall in Vermont. I can see the stillness of the ocean while kayaking in Belfast Harbor and smell the ocean air after a storm at Kennebunk Beach. I see the fog rising from the valleys of Shenandoah National Park, and the sunsets. Oh! The Glorious Sunsets!

I can smell the decaying leaves in the “rain forest” and feel the “sponginess” of the earth beneath my feet in Olympic National Park. I was awed by Mount Rainier and amazed at the deep blue color of Crater Lake. From east coast to west coast and so many places in between. The things I've seen. The things I've done. I went halfway down into the Grand Canyon – and made it back up to the Rim! I went up to the top of Angels Landing – and safely down again. And Alaska! I drove to Alaska! Can you believe it? So many thoughts are going through my mind, so many memories, so many wondrous sights. In one sense, yes, it is over. But in another sense, it will never be over...

But the fact is, it is done. It is time to go home. Back to Indiana. There is a part of me that is sad because it's over. But there is a bit of relief as well. It's time to move on to the next phase, whatever it might be.

But that doesn't mean my traveling days are forever over... I still have a research trip to take into Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and maybe New York. If not this summer, then next. Depending upon how long it takes me to sort through all of the documents I scanned at the Family History Library! And I'm trying to talk my cousin Babs into taking that “Joslin Heritage Tour” that had to be canceled. When that will happen depends upon her schedule.

In my post announcing this Journey on August 3, 2009 I wrote
I believe in serendipity. Not just in family research, but in travel also. As one door closes, another opens… one phase ends, another begins. I'm a little nervous and a lot excited about the prospects of this journey but I feel it is the right thing for me to be doing at this particular time. The stars have aligned. It's time to go.
Yes, I do believe. It is time to go. Home.

However, it's not quite over, yet. I've still got 1750 miles to go and I did make one last “touristy” stop yesterday...


Carol said...

It has been a Fab ride. Thanks for taking us along.

Ruth/Gram said...

What a thrill it has been to go along with you on this adventure! Thank you for the magnificient photos. Thoughts and prayers are with you as you turn to a new 'time'. Ruth

Jasia said...

You couldn't pick a better time to come home. The weather here is fantastic! The forecast is for summer-like temps all week. :-) I hope we can get together one day soon. It would be great to see you again!

GrannyPam said...

I have enjoyed every post of our journey, and appreciate the opportunity go go along. I wish you a safe journey, I know what it feels like to want to go home, too. I hope you find renewed energy and contentment.

Ruby Coleman said...

Safe and happy journey to Indiana. I have enjoyed reading about your adventure, seeing you in Salt Lake City and sharing your genealogy experiences. The west will always be here for you ... just in case you get lonely and decide to return.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

It's been an amazing journey! I wish you lots of happiness as you begin your new chapter.

janet wiseman said...

I have truly enjoyed reading about your travels. And all the photos you shared were beautiful. Have a great homecoming and keep posting your future adventures. Janet Wiseman

Barbara Poole said...

There were many days when your posts were the first I read, you always had great photos and lots to say. Your trip to Alaska was a highlight, as well as your first SLC days with Carol. You and your cars have seen a lot, and I'm envious, so thanks for sharing all that you did with us.

Sue and Fred said...

You were truely the impetus for our example that said "it can be done". Such great memories! We feel privilaged to have been a part of some of them. Our thoughts are with you as you head "home". Love always....

Anonymous said...

Becky, it's been fun reading about your travels, but I guess it's time to agree with Dorothy that "there's no place like home" :). You rest, relax, and enjoy, but I promise you, we WILL do the "Joslin Heritage tour" when we're both ready! - Babs

Linda Edwards said...

Becky, I was thinking about you today and that it would be a good time for you to come back to No. Ind. The weather here is in the high seventies and mostly sunny. Safe trip.

Greta Koehl said...

What a great privilege to have been able to share this trip through your descriptions and amazing pictures. Hope the new phase in your life will be just as much fun and look forward to reading about your research trips!

Debbie Blanton McCoy said...

Beautiful post! You have had an amazing journey. Thanks for sharing it with us! Safe travels home.

Miriam Robbins said...

I have enjoyed "the ride." Thank you for taking us with you, and for literally taking the trip to our doorsteps! You've inspired me to do a mini-journey around the state of Washington, which I hope to do late this summer, visiting tourist spots and ancestral locations. Happy Trails to you on the next step of your adventure in life!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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