
Friday, June 01, 2012

Switzerland County :: Wiseman-Bray Marriage

During my recent jaunt "down south" I spent a few days in Southern Indiana doing a bit of research for myself and my friend Cindy. My primary objective was to get a copy of the marriage record for my 2nd Great Grandparents, Charles Wiseman and Naomi Bray.

I had been to Switzerland County for research several times in the past and was really not looking forward to going to the Courthouse. My memories of the "genealogy" room were not pleasant. It was a small, dark, musty, dank, malodorous room in the basement. The large volumes were not organized in any way and it was not an easy task to locate the desired book.

I seem to recall that it had a dirt floor too, but maybe only a portion of the it was dirt. At any rate it was a terrible place for research. The room wasn't big enough for more than two people at a time and if photocopies were needed you had to carry the books (you know the very large, heavy volumes) up two flights of stairs and then wait for the Clerk to take the time to make the copies. During a previous visit in 1999 I attempted to use the digital camera for copies but there just wasn't enough light in the room. So I pretty much simply transcribed or abstracted the necessary information.

But, thankfully, that has changed. Even though all I wanted was a marriage record, I was told to go to the Recorder's Office. The clerk on duty that day was very nice though she wasn't the one who normally helps genealogists. She took me down to the basement to a well-lighted, organized room. I made a comment about how nice it was compared to the last time I visited. She laughed and said it's good that things change! I heartily agreed with her.

It only took a minute or two to locate the right book. I had left the camera in the car not knowing if it could be taken into the Courthouse and expecting the records to be in that old nasty room. I also expected to have to take the book upstairs but no, there was a copy machine right there! An old one, but it worked just fine - after we spent a few minutes trying to get it to work. At any rate, with copy in hand, I left with a smile on my face! And then I had a fun time driving the narrow back-roads up and down and through Switzerland County.

Switzerland County, Indiana Marriage Records "1846-1849" (No Volume Number) page 422. There are two volumes that include the year 1849, this record is from the "small" book.
"State of Indiana Switzerland County SS

"Be it remembered that on the 7th Day of Augt 1849 the Clerk of the circuit Court of said County Granted Charles Wiseman & Naomi Bray Marriage Licence which reads in the words and figures following towit State of Indiana Switzerland County SS

"The State of Indiana to any person duly empowered by law to Solomnize Marriages in Said County Greeting

"This is to certify you to join together in the holy bonds of Matrimoney as husband and wife Mr Charles Wiseman and Miss Naomi Bray and for so doing this shall be your sufficiant warrant
"Witness William Patton Clerk of the circuit Court of said County and the Seal thereof hereto attached at Vevay this 7th day of Augt AD 1849 [signed] William Patton Clerk PT [?]

"And afterwards to wit on the 3rd day of November 1849 the following Certificate was filed;

"This is to certify that I did on the 9th of August 1849 Join together as Husband and wife Charles Wiseman and Naomi Bray. this given under my hand this 11th Aug 1849 [signed] Joseph Hawkins a M. G."
Published under a Creative Commons License.
Becky Wiseman, "Switzerland County :: Wiseman-Bray Marriage," Kinexxions, posted June 1, 2012 ( : accessed [access date])

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