
Sunday, August 05, 2012

After the Storm

We had an awesome storm pass through the area last night, hopefully with not much damage though at this time I don't know. Plenty of Thunder. Lightning. Wind. And about 2" of rain in an hour or so. I was looking out the window after it was all over and saw that the entire sky was an eerie orange-pinkish color. Then I saw the rainbow and grabbed the camera...

Half of the rainbow in the eastern sky.

It was huge! This is the "southern" end of the rainbow.

The view to the north.

And a magnificent view to the west.

All photos were taken between 8:45 and 8:55 pm on August 4, 2012.


Jasia said...

I looked and looked for a rainbow but didn't see one. We did have an awesome sunset though. I'll post my pic today. Yours look great!

Shelley Bishop said...

Beautiful photos, Becky! The colors and textures in the clouds are amazing.

Kathy Reed said...

What great pictures! It's so nice that you could capture such wonderful pictures in a summer that is going to go down as one of the hottest and driest. Beautiful!

Family Curator said...

WOW! This is truly stunning!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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